Daily Mail



♠ 8 ♥ AJ94 ♦ Q875 ♣ KJ92

AT GAME to your opponents your partner deals and opens 1 ♠ . What would you bid on this hand when your RHO doubles? YOU would redouble. This bid does not show support for partner’s suit, as you might imagine. On the contrary, it tends to deny support, and suggests a prime interest in taking a penalty from the opponents’ contract.

A redouble over a take-out double shows a minimum of nine hCPs, and it promises at least one further bid, which may well be to make a penalty double of whatever resting place the opposition finds.

Knowing your partner has an opening bid in his hand, you would, for example, feel pretty confident of doubling an opposition contract in any suit other than spades.

It’s up to your partner, of course, to let you know if his hand is unsuitable for defence by rebidding otherwise he can safely pass, and leave the next action up to you.

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