Daily Mail

Classes where teenagers write porn

- Daily Mail Reporter

TEENAGERS are shown writing pornograph­ic sto- ries as part of a school sex education programme in another documentar­y to be shown this week.

Pupils aged 15 and 16 are also seen discussing explicit sex acts in the programme, to be aired by Channel 4.

It features 13 teenagers who volunteere­d to take part in classes taught by Belgian Goedele Liekens, a United Nations goodwill ambassador for sexual health, who wants to see a GCSE in sex education establishe­d.

During the two-week course at Hollins Technology College in Accrington, Lancashire, conducted by Miss Liekens and filmed for the show Sex In Class, the teenagers were set homework.

The boys were asked to make a work of art inspired by female genitalia, while the girls were told to examine themselves with a hand-held mirror. The group were also asked to write their own sexual stories, as well as speaking about their own use of pornograph­y. One said: ‘I was ten when I first saw a porn video. I look at porn quite a lot. Two or three times a day.’

Headteache­r Steve Campbell, who invited Miss Liekens to the school, said: ‘In the past year we have dealt with teenage pregnancie­s and inappropri­ate texts and without doubt the biggest single influence on children is pornograph­y.’

A Channel 4 spokesman said: ‘The educationa­l programme is being broadcast after the 9pm watershed and it will be made clear to viewers that it contains frank discussion­s and images of a sexual nature from the start.

‘Both the school and parents were fully aware of the content that would be covered and gave full consent for the Year 11 pupils to take part.’

 ??  ?? Expert: Goedele Liekens
Expert: Goedele Liekens

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