Daily Mail

A broadside for Corbyn — from the Left!

- Andrew Pierce

HoW very unbrotherl­y the Left-wing Labour brotherhoo­d can be. Not all of them have rallied to defend their bearded poster-boy Jeremy Corbyn against attacks from people such as Tony Blair, who warned supporters of the front-runner for the Labour leadership that ‘if your heart is with Corbyn, get a transplant’.

The editor of the Left Foot Forward blog has launched a bazooka at ‘Comrade Corbyn’, too, for consorting with murderous tyrants and anti-Semites.

Trotskyite sympathise­r James Bloodworth doesn’t pull his punches. He says: ‘He is remarkably good at proffering apologetic­s for dictatorsh­ip and tyranny.

‘ Corbyn has in recent years championed/made excuses for Venezuelan autocrat Hugo Chavez, russian gay-basher Vladimir Putin, the butcher of Bosnian Muslims Slobodan Milosevic and the Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.

‘It may be accurate that, as his supporters like to point out, Corbyn “actually believes in something”. tHe Lib dems’ election manifesto stridently called for a reduction in the number of peers from 789 to 450. So why is it now happy to see an increase? it’s because the unprincipl­ed party — with just eight MPs — hopes ten Lib dem dead-beat grandees, nonentitie­s and failures will be nominated to the Lords in the dissolutio­n Honours list this month. And yes, ideology can at times inspire tremendous good. But it can also make a person believe that a goldfish is a racehorse.’

Getting into his splenetic stride, Bloodworth added: ‘ However much a Corbyn-led Labour Party might claim to be standing up for the most vulnerable, it will always and everywhere be willing to sacrifice the very people it ought to stick up for — the world’s democrats, secularist­s, Jews, gays and women — on the ideologica­l altar of anti-Americanis­m.

‘ This, as I will never tire of pointing out, ought to make Corbyn persona non grata for any principled person of the Left.’

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