Daily Mail

What to eat to get your mojo back in midlife

It’s the revolution­ary new diet that tackles those changing hormones. And it can help you AND your man turn back the years

- By Dr Caroline Apovian

EVeR wondered why some people — be it that youthful sixtysomet­hing friend or an attractive older man — age better than others? The answer is down to hormones, namely oestrogen for women and testostero­ne for men. Both of these key hormones start to dwindle as we hit the menopause and middle age, which leads to the typical signs of growing old: greying hair, middle-aged spread and low libido and mood.

However, if you have naturally high levels of oestrogen or testostero­ne, it can have miraculous­ly anti-ageing effects.

According to a brilliant new book, The Age-Defying Diet, by top nutritioni­st and anti-ageing specialist Dr Caroline Apovian, of Boston University school of medicine, you and your husband can top yours up by making a few changes to your diet.

By consuming gender- specific foods that will boost these hormones, you can lose weight with ease and will feel better than ever.


ANY woman who has endeavoure­d to slim at the same time as her husband will have noticed that men tend to shed the pounds far faster.

That’s because body compositio­n — our muscles, bones, fat and hormones — is gender specific.

For women, mid- life weight gain, particular­ly around the tummy, can often be blamed on hormones.

As levels of oestrogen, produced by the ovaries, declines in the lead up to the menopause, our fat cells race into action to pick up the slack, swelling (the bigger the fat cells, the more oestrogen they can produce) and congregati­ng around the abdomen. Reduced oestrogen levels make it difficult to grow our hair as long as we once could. They cause our hair’s growth cycle to shorten, so hair sheds before it can reach any great length. And as our levels of androgens — male hormones — increase during the menopause, these can trigger thinning of the hair. Testostero­ne, however, falls in middle-aged women, reducing their sexual desire. At the same time, declining oestrogen causes vaginal dryness. It also causes skin to age, by reducing levels of collagen, as well as bone mass, leading to an increased risk of osteoporos­is. It has also been linked to memory problems and heart disease.

Slow burn By the age of 45, you burn 200 fewer calories per day than you did when you were 25


HoRmones play a significan­t role for men, as well. Weight gain around the middle, sleep problems, exhaustion, low libido and erectile dysfunctio­n are all a sign of slipping testostero­ne levels, which fall in middle age.

Testostero­ne is essential for maintainin­g muscle, mood bone growth and sexual func-

-tion. But because levels drop by 1 to 2 per cent each year from the age of 40, men often notice less muscle tone and more body fat — particular­ly around the gut.

In men, carrying this extra weight compounds the health problems associated with ageing. Fat ratchets up the metabolisi­ng of testostero­ne, meaning the more fat on the body, the more quickly it burns through your fast-dwindling testostero­ne supplies. Extra fat leaches testostero­ne out of the blood, causing energy and libido to wilt.

And that paunch is the worst offender. In men, belly fat actually converts testostero­ne to oestrogen, which reduces sex drive and can cause an increased risk of developing prostate cancer.

Declining testostero­ne levels can also cause hair to thin, feelings of depression, low bone density, height loss and reduced muscle strength.


WOMEN can raise their levels of oestrogen by eating certain foods. Phytoestro­gens are plant substances similar to oestrogen, and when we eat foods containing them, our bodies convert them to oestrogen. Japanese women, whose diet is rich in these foods, rarely suffer from the menopausal symptoms that afflict Westerners.

Combining the following into your daily diet will boost your emotional and physical wellbeing.


These tiny seeds are rich in oestrogen-like compounds called lignans that may help protect against breast cancer. They are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help to improve the body’s ability to burn fat and drop pounds.

Omega-3s also play a role in satiety, keeping you feeling fuller longer. Aim to eat one to two tablespoon­s of ground or milled flaxseed per day (Linwoods milled organic flaxseed, £ 5.99 from Holland and Barrett)


Foods high in soya protein such as tofu and edamame beans, available from supermarke­ts, can lower cholestero­l, strengthen bones, and because the plant chemicals in soya beans (isoflavone­s) have a structure similar to oestrogen, may help to minimise menopausal hot flushes and reduce your risk of breast cancer, heart disease and osteoporos­is.

However, men should avoid tofu, soya milk and edamame to reduce their risk of ‘ man boobs’ and sexual dysfunctio­n.


Lean red meat optimises muscle-building and is packed with iron, which may protect you against anaemia and help make red blood cells carry oxygen around your body. The B vitamins in lean beef (and also in whole grains) can help to ease the feelings of anxiety and depression that often come with menopause. DARK, LEAFY GREEN

VEGETABLES: Kale, spring greens, cabbage and spinach are all useful in the fight against osteoporos­is. While calcium and vitamin D are known to be good for bones, vitamin K — which is bountiful in dark greens — has also been shown to have a positive effect. BROCCOLI, CAULIFLOWE­R, BRUSSELS SPROUTS AND PAK CHOI:

These may reduce excess oestrogen (which can occur in overweight perimenopa­usal women), lowering the risk of breast cancer.

PAPAYA: Packed with vitamin C (twice as much as an orange) and relatively low in calories, this fruit could help stabilise women’s menstrual cycles, and boost oestrogen levels in menopausal women.

FATTY FISH: Salmon, mackerel, and sardines can reduce inflam -mation, which is especially good for women, helping to preserve the heart, breast and bone health. They can also minimise aches and pains, and lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, cancer and heart disease, helping to protect against depression. ASPARAGUS, MELONS, AND WATERCRESS:

These all contain potassium, which may help to combat bloating.


DIET plays a huge role in men’s testostero­ne production. Zinc and magnesium are vital, and without cholestero­l — the kind found in ‘good’ fats, such as in oily fish and nuts — the body cannot manufactur­e the hormone. Other foods, such as broccoli, cauliflowe­r and cabbage — can boost testostero­ne by removing oestrogen from men’s bodies.

EGG YOLKS: Eat whole eggs to boost testostero­ne levels, because cholestero­l is converted into testostero­ne.


brown rice, bulgur, couscous, amaranth, barley and quinoa contain vitamins, minerals, and phytochemi­cals that promote prostate health. Eat 100g/4tbsp with your meals.


The lycopene, the bright red pigment found in tomatoes (particular­ly processed tomatoes) has been found to lower the risk of cancers, including prostate cancer. For maximum absorption, eat with fat — spoon tomato sauce cooked with olive oil over a small portion of wholewheat pasta.


Foods rich in potassium can definitive­ly reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke, and watermelon has more potassium — 664mg — in one large slice than a banana or a glass of orange juice.


Research links zinc deficiency with low testostero­ne levels, so unless you have access to oysters (2-3 is enough to give you a day’s supply of zinc), fuel up on other sources of zinc — lean meats, seafood, spinach, and mushrooms. This will help protect you against prostate cancer, maintain testostero­ne levels, and enhance sexual function.


GETTING enough sleep every night is crucial for your mental and physical health. There is so much repair and recovery going on while you snooze that even one bad night can be enough to set you back.

Fluctuatin­g middle - aged hormones play a part. Diminishin­g oestrogen wreaks havoc for many women at night, and new evidence shows a link between dropping testostero­ne levels in men and decreasing quality of sleep.

That leaves you feeling sluggish and also affects metabolism. In fact, experts believe lack of sleep could age fat cells by as much as 20 years. Luckily, food can help. Here’s what to pick . . .


Lean protein such as chicken, fish and eggs releases of important gut hormones which have been shown to have a significan­t effect on sleep.

Chronic lack of sleep increases levels of the hormone ghrelin (which tells your brain you’re hungry) and decreases levels of leptin (the hormone that tells your brain you are full).

But protein in the diet can counteract this effect. In one study, people who ate a low-protein diet for 48 hours took 21 minutes longer to reach deep sleep.

One essential amino acid, L-tryptophan, found in poultry, fish, red meat, eggs and low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, has been shown to aid sleep.

It helps to decrease the amount of time it takes to fall asleep, increases sleep time and reduces the number of middle-of-the-night awakenings.


Each of us is born with an internal clock that regulates sleep. The production of the hormone melatonin, which is affected by light, helps our bodies differenti­ate night from day.

Melatonin levels start to rise in the mid to late evening, remain high during the night, and decline in the morning. Production of melatonin gradually drops after the age of 30, which is why we tend to sleep poorly after 30.

Tart cherries are a great source of melatonin. Its juice concentrat­e (£11.99, hollandand­barrett.

com), can reduce insomnia and improve sleep quality.


Cow’s milk, which contains melatonin, has long been considered a natural sedative. Research shows you sleep longer, and more soundly if you drink milk or eat some cheese before bedtime.

MAGNESIUM-RICH FOODS: This mineral is known for its calming qualities. Our ability to absorb magnesium diminishes with age, so boost your natural supply with brown rice, couscous, halibut, skimmed milk, oats, pearl barley, spinach and wholewheat flour.

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