Daily Mail


Eating the right foods can raise oestrogen, boosting mood and wellbeing


TAKE this quiz to work out what age your body is functionin­g at now.

Write down your age — and then add or subtract to it, depending on your answers to the questions below. The total you reach at the end is your metabolic age.

Don’t worry if it seems very high. Just eat the foods on this page and you’ll soon see it come down.

1 What’s your BMI? Either insert your height and weight into an online calculator (try nhs choices, nhs.uk) or divide your weight (in kg) by your height (in m squared).

18-22, subtract 2 years 22-25, subtract 1 year 25-27, add 0 years 27–30, add 2 years. 30-35, add 4 years. 35-40, add 6 years. Over 40, add 8 years.

2 What shape is your body?

Apple or rectangle, add 2 years. Pear or hourglass, subtract 1 year.

3 Do you have Type 2 diabetes?

If yes, add 2 years.

4 Do you have high blood pressure?

If you take medication, or your bp is 140/90 or over, add 3 years.

5 Do you have high cholestero­l?

If yes (or you take medication) add 3 years.

6 Do you smoke?

If yes, add 8 years.

7 How many units of alcohol do you drink a day?

Women who drink more than 1 a day, add 4 years. Men who drink more than 2 a day, add 4 years.

8 How many servings of fruit and vegetables do you eat every day?

Less than 2, add 2 years. 2-4, add 1 year. 4-6, subtract 1 year. 6-8, subtract 2 years. More than 8, subtract 3 years.

9 How much water do you drink a day? Women who drink 7 or more

glasses of water, subtract 2 years. Women who drink 5-7 glasses of water, add 2 years. Women who drink less than 5, add 4 years. Women who drink mainly juice or fizzy drinks, add 4 years. Men who drink 12 or more glasses of water, subtract 2 years. Men who drink 8-12 glasses of water, add 2 years. Men who drink fewer than 8 glasses of water, add 4 years. Men who drink mainly juice and frizzy drinks, add 4 years.

10 How often do you exercise?

Never, add 2 years. Once or twice a week, subtract 1 year. 3-4 times a week, subtract 2 years. 5-7 times a week, subtract 4 years.

11 How much protein do you eat?

Every or most meals, subtract 4 years. One meal a day, subtract 2 years. Twice a week, 0. Once a week, add 2 years.

12 What do you think your daily stress level is?

High, add 2. Moderate, add 1 year. Mild, add 0. None, subtract 1 year.

13 How many hours of uninterrup­ted sleep do you average every night?

Fewer than 5 hours, add 2 years. 5-6 hours, add 1 year. 6-7 hours, subtract 1 year. 7-9 hours, subtract 2 years. More than 9 hours, add 2 years.

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