Daily Mail



Hello Jonathan, Here’s a quote from author, Alan Watts. ‘From a strictly metaphysic­al standpoint, God does not fore-ordain anything, since for him there is no future ... the concept of free will is meaningles­s, since unmotivate­d, uncaused, spontaneou­s action would be something possible only for the First Cause. If the gift of free will to creatures means anything, it means ... free will is not the property of any creature in so far as they are an individual, but only in so far as the actual reality of their being, their true Self, is God and acts as God.’ Stephanie

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 WE DON’T always know the real reasons why we do things. We may tell ourselves one thing and tell others the same … or we may modify the tale in a way that, we imagine, will resonate better with outside observers. But the reasons we give often aren’t the real ones. And if you think that’s convoluted, let’s look at the reasons why we don’t do certain things. Here, it gets interestin­g. We blame ourselves for being lazy or forgetful but often, we are being guided by a wise inner reticence! As you will see this week. I’ve got much more to tell you. I’ve crammed all I can into your four-minute forecast. Hear it! Change your life: 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS YOU would like Apr 21 — May 21 things to turn out a certain way. If different results ensue, how bad will this be? It is always wise to acknowledg­e the difference between a preference and a priority. There can come a point where we start burning with such yearning we no longer distinguis­h between what would be nice and what is essential. Thus we waste energy better directed towards a more productive plan. I’m not saying that what you want won’t happen, but, this week, remember what you truly need. I’ve important news about big changes due in your life. Pick up the phone for a special message: 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22 SOME of us define ourselves by what we do. Others draw a strong sense of identity from what they have done. And those who are either brave or foolish, hang their sense of self on the hook of intention. For them, what matters is only ‘what they are going to do’. It is not appropriat­e for me to express an opinion about which attitude is wiser. But I think it falls within my remit to tell you that you are well within your rights to pin your hopes on the future. You can change it if you try, and if you believe. I’ve got much more to tell you. I’ve crammed all I can into your four-minute forecast. Hear it! Change your life: 0906 751 5603. CANCER LIFE has been a

June 23 — July 23 little stressful of late. It has, of course, been rewarding, too. Just think about how much you have achieved, how far you have gone, how much you have to be proud of and glad of. You aren’t so sure your list of accomplish­ments is so impressive? Well, you may still be waiting for a tale to finish being told or a process to come to a conclusion. But where is your faith? Don’t you know how well you have done? Can’t you feel it in your bones? And don’t you deserve the next great adventure that begins this week? I have important news about the big changes due in your life. Pick up the phone for a very special message: 0906 751 5604.

LEO ‘IF IT wasn’t for bad luck, July 24 — Aug 23 I wouldn’t have no luck at all.’ So goes Born Under A Bad Sign, by William Bell. I can’t believe that when I met him, I didn’t know he had written these words and thus I missed my chance to take him to task. There is no such thing as a bad sign. And there is no such thing as bad luck. It is just that when we convince ourselves that not only must these forces exist but they must be afflicting us, we create a self-fulfilling prophecy! But Leo is a good sign. And this will yet be a very good week for you. I’ve much more to tell you. I’ve crammed all I can into your four-minute forecast. Hear it! Change your life: 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO WHEN I tell strangers Aug 24 — Sep 23 what I do, they often say: ‘Oh, I’d love a reading, but only if it’s good news.’ I laugh and reply: ‘But I only deal in good news!’ To me, all news has the potential to be good — even what some would call bad news! But I note that not all my colleagues take such a stance. Some genuinely seem to believe in doom and gloom. I mention this for a reason. Nobody, even among the world’s most negative seers, sages and stargazers, could see the Virgo outlook this

week, as anything other than inspiring. I have important news about the big changes due in your life. Pick up the phone for a very special message: 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA ONCE, we’d often hear Sep 24 — Oct 23 exasperate­d parents threatenin­g tantruming toddlers. ‘Shut-up,’ they’d say ‘or I’ll give you something to cry about.’ Some religions see the Creator as a kind of father (or mother) of humanity. One hopes such a deity would follow a more enlightene­d school of parenting. Yet when children show appreciati­on and gratitude, there is surely no harm in giving them even more reasons to feel happy. If you wish to curry favour with the cosmos this week, begin by being grateful. I’ve got much more to tell you. I’ve crammed all I can into your four-minute forecast. Hear it! Change your life: 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO WHAT if you help Oct 24 — Nov 22 someone, yet later when you need help and they are able to provide this, they refuse? How often, in life, is generosity replied to with hostility? Judging by the way some highly-guarded people seem to act and think, one might imagine this was a common occurrence. But even such deeply defensive individual­s, soon melt if subjected to a kindness offensive. It is amazing how far we can get in life if we step forward with a little trust and sincerity — as you will find this week. I have important news about the big changes due in your life. Pick up the phone for a very special message: 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S JUPITER Nov 23 — Dec 21 soon enters a new sector of the sky. It will remain there for a year, bestowing an abundance of celestial protection, accompanie­d by an increase in status and an apparent ability to command the cosmos to bend to (at least a portion of) your will. That will soon prove a powerful antidote to the influence of Saturn in Sagittariu­s you are to come under from next month on. It has arrived just in time to ensure you are prepared for your next cosmic challenge. This will yet be a wonderful week. I’ve much more to tell you. I’ve crammed all I can into your four-minute forecast. Hear it! Change your life: 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN YOU can Dec 22 — Jan 20 cope. Of course, you can. You are a Capricorn! Coping is what you do best. It is your speciality. Why, the art of coping comes so naturally, you can even do it in your sleep! And we can’t even get lost in layers of multi-dimensiona­l psychobabb­le and suggest that perhaps, one day, you will find you can’t cope with all that coping! Anyway, you can more than cope with what you have in store this week. You can thrive on all that you face. If you can’t yet see how to turn it to your advantage, you will. I have important news about the big changes due in your life. Pick up the phone for a very special message: 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS ONLY a few Jan 21 — Feb 19 perverse personalit­ies take pleasure in causing offence. Most of us prefer to pursue a policy of polite appeasemen­t. We nod and bow. We agree and acquiesce. We keep our true view to ourself and say only as much as we feel we can get away with without creating controvers­y. Or, at least, that’s what we do, until or unless our buttons are pressed by some affront. You may well be capable of articulati­ng an elegant case for complaint, this week, but you are clever enough not to do that. I’ve much more to tell you. I’ve crammed all I can into your four-minute forecast. Hear it! Change your life: 0906 751 5611.

PISCES ‘IT TAKES two, baby … Feb 20 — Mar 20 me and you.’ So goes the old Motown hit by Marvin Gaye and Kim Weston. Marvin later moved on to make a successful series of duets with Tammi Terrell and the song enjoyed another lease of life with Otis Redding and Carla Thomas. Thus proving, though it does take two, it doesn’t always have to be the same two! Nor, is it only success that it takes two for. It also takes two to tango and two to have an argument. But this week is all about constructi­ve collaborat­ion. I have important news about the big changes due in your life. Pick up the phone for a very special message: 0906 751 5612.

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