Daily Mail

Guilty, lesbian who posted nude revenge porn shots of lover

- By Andrew Levy

A LESBIAN who posted naked photos of her lover on Facebook after being accused of ‘looking at other women’ has become the first female sentenced for revenge porn.

Paige Mitchell, 24, uploaded four images of Rebecca Brinkley.

Unemployed Mitchell had faced a jail term but was spared yesterday after a court heard the couple were back in a relationsh­ip and living together. She received a six-week sentence suspended for 18 months.

Revenge porn laws were introduced in April and around a dozen men have been convicted in England. In a victim impact statement Miss Brinkley, 29, said the incident had ‘made me feel embarrasse­d to walk down the street’. She said: ‘People who I didn’t want to see my body have seen me.’

Tattooed Mitchell had been going out with Miss Brinkley for 14 months when they rowed at their home in Stevenage, Hertfordsh­ire, in May.

In a statement read to Stevenage Magistrate­s Court, Mitchell said: ‘I began arguing with my partner due to her accusing me of looking at other women.’ She said in self-defence she pushed Miss Brinkley, who banged her head, and added: ‘She spat at me and I slapped her.’ The court heard that Miss Brinkley’s one-year-old child was sleeping upstairs at the time.

Mitchell, described in court as ‘vindictive’, had earlier admitted disclosing private sexual photograph­s with intent to cause distress, and assault by beating. She must undergo a 50-day rehabilita­tion programme to provide ‘help and guidance’ for her emotions, and pay £345 in costs and fines.

Despite the court being told the pair were back together, they were at different addresses in Stevenage last night. Neither would comment on the case.

 ??  ?? Embarrasse­d on Facebook: Rebecca Brinkley
Embarrasse­d on Facebook: Rebecca Brinkley
 ??  ?? Row: Paige Mitchell yesterday
Row: Paige Mitchell yesterday

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