Daily Mail



Dear Jonathan, One mystic likens the difference between free will and ‘knowing all’ to watching a ferry from a hilltop. Up high, she could see the entirety of its path. People on the ferry, though, could only see this a bit at a time. Isaura Dear Isaura, But the captain could still have chosen to change course! Dear Jonathan, i found a website which said negative thoughts tend to reduce our free will. (But i can’t find it at the moment because my cat keeps jumping on my keyboard.) Jacqui Dear Jacqui, Perhaps your cat knows something we don’t!

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 ‘WHAT the eye doesn’t

see, the heart doesn’t grieve.’ Or so they say. Psychics, sensitives and even some psychologi­sts, might beg to differ. We don’t have to witness an event to feel its ramificati­ons. We may not be able to understand a feeling but that doesn’t invalidate our emotional response. Look, for example, at what you are starting to feel and at the encouragin­g amount of emotional warmth and support that is beginning to come your way. Don’t worry about what lies behind this, just be glad of it. Are you ready for a brand-new month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make September great! Call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS MANY traditiona­l

Apr 21 — May 21 tales tell of a time when someone sets out to seek their fortune. Never is the adventure preceded by a planning session in which all potential routes and roads are evaluated and every contingenc­y is covered. There is something magical and meaningful about the allowance to spontaneit­y that must be made under such circumstan­ces. You may not know quite what to do for the best today. But if you just do whatever seems, at the time, to be the best thing you can do, the best outcome will

ensue. Are you ready for a brand-new month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make September great! Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI ‘THE brighter the May 22 — June 22

light, the stronger the shadow.’ That’s what they say. A reassuring thing to know. If we’re looking at something dark, it can only mean something bright is behind it, beside it or above it. So all we have to do, is start recognisin­g that! Now, of course, some lights are too bright to look at. They may dazzle, even blind us, if we try. But that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Nor does it stop us from seeing all that they may be illuminati­ng. Look beyond a shadow today, and you may yet see something hopeful. Are you ready for a brand-new month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make September great! Call 0906 751 5603. CANCER IF, AS I suggested

June 23 — July 23 in yesterday’s forecast, ‘living is all about giving’ then it must also be all about forgiving. As I know that I have created controvers­y when I have suggested this in the past, I had best qualify my comment. That does not mean that we are obliged to keep supplying what we are being asked for - or we are failing to fulfil our purpose if we withhold. To truly do either, we must first seek until we find some genuine generosity. The inspiratio­n behind that is precious. You may yet find some today. Are you ready for a brand-new month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make September great! Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO OTHERS underestim­ate July 24 — Aug 23

you at their peril. Well, perhaps that’s strong language. Perhaps I should say they do so at the risk of embarrassm­ent. It is not that anyone may be putting themselves in mortal danger by failing to appreciate your finer qualities. But they are going to end up looking like a proper fool, if they don’t give you credit where it is due. In one key situation now, assumption­s and mistakes are being made. You are not being treated with the respect you deserve. That should all start to turn around today. Are you ready for a brandnew month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make September great! Call 0906 751 5605. VIRGO HAVE you ever

Aug 24 — Sep 23 wandered down a busy street and seen a face you recognise in the distance? Just as you are getting ready to smile and wave, you look again and realise you have made a mistake. That isn’t good old ‘so-and-so’, after all. It is just that something about them triggered an associatio­n that sparked off a set of imaginativ­e assumption­s. In much the same way, you may now be responding to a situation that seems remarkably similar to one you have encountere­d in the past. This is different. It is also

good. Are you ready for a brand-new month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make September great! Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA THE figure in the tenSep 24 — Oct 23

gallon hat surveys the saloon. All eyes are on them and all ears focus on the words they have to say. ‘My friends, a bad thing has happened on the outskirts of town and I hear tell that the same gang are due to strike again tonight. We need every brave citizen to saddle up, ride out and head them off at the pass. Now, who’s with me?’ You may not, today, be able to round yourself up a posse quite this impressive but you may yet manage a greater show of strength than you currently expect. Are you ready for a brand-new month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make September great! Call 0906 751 5607. SCORPIO DESPITE the

Oct 24 — Nov 22 optimistic claims of many a manufactur­er, one size never fits all. Indeed, as many a shopper has discovered to their chagrin, even when a specific size is clearly stated it may not match some other retailer’s definition of the same width or fitting. We are forever obliged to make adjustment­s and allowances for the difference between stated ideals and unstated realities. Today, according to one source of informatio­n, one particular story must be true. But what can you see with your own eyes? Are you ready for a brand-new month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make September great! Call 0906 751 5608.


WHEN we Nov 23 — Dec 21

look at our housing estates and shopping malls, we may conclude the world is a stable, place. And when our eyes behold the wonder of the natural world and we see ancient hills and flowing rivers, we can equally see the cosmos as insistentl­y consistent. Yet the potential for change is never more than a heartbeat away. I point this out, not so I can encourage you to feel insecure, but by way of reassuranc­e. What you today suspect is a ‘done deal’ may yet provide a helpful, flexible invitation. Are you ready for a brandnew month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make September great! Call 0906 751 5609.


Dec 22 — Jan 20 a world is this? Is that a strange question. Is this not the only world any of us have any memory of? Isn’t any other kind of world an imaginary construct? The only folk qualified to make a comparison are aliens who observe us from their UFOs! And before we can seek their opinion, we must first decide we believe in their existence! And we can’t ask each other. We would get back seven billion different opinions. But here is one definition you will yet think fair today. It is a better world than you think. Are you ready for a brand-new month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make September great! Call 0906 751 5610.


Jan 21 — Feb 19 of Snow White, the Queen consults a magic mirror. We are never told what else that mirror can do or why it is magical. All we know is that she asks it a dumb question. Who would want to be the ‘fairest of them all’? Surely, they just need some spell to ensure they stay attractive in one person’s eyes, regardless of what everyone else thought they looked like! Perhaps the true moral of this tale is, ‘ask a clever question if you want a useful answer’. It is certainly the moral of your tale today. Are you ready for a brand-new month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make September great! Call 0906 751 5611. PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20 WHAT do you know? And what do you really know, as opposed, that is, to what do you think you know? Now, at the risk of turning it all tortuous, if you don’t mind, may I ask if you know the difference between what you really know and what you think you know? If you only think you know it, you may not really know it! There is a reason why I’m saying all this to you today. There is a reason too, why you think you know what you know. You do know it — and are about to gain from rememberin­g what you have half forgotten. Are you ready for a brand-new month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make September great! Call 0906 751 5612.

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