Daily Mail

Sexting could give you police record for life, children warned

- By Arthur Martin

MILLIONS of schoolchil­dren were yesterday warned they could end up on a police database for life for texting a naked photo of themselves.

Police chiefs said a teenager’s name would be stored for up to 100 years if an officer was told the child had sent an explicit image.

Any child under 18 caught ‘sexting’ could even be prosecuted and placed on the sex offenders’ register.

At least four police forces have confirmed that children have been the subject of criminal investigat­ions for sending naked selfies.

Yesterday Olivia Pinkney, from the National Police Chiefs’ Council, which coordinate­s forces’ policies, said: ‘Normally, anything which happens in a school environmen­t can stay within it.

‘School should be a place where children can push boundaries and make mistakes and they don’t have to involve the police. But if the child, their parent or carer want the school to speak to the police, then they will record that.

‘If you tell the police about a crime, we have to record it. That is what the public expects.’

Miss Pinkney spoke to The Sun after a furious row erupted over a 14-year-old boy who was logged on a database for sending a naked selfie to a girl of the same age on Snapchat.

The incident was recorded as a crime of making and distributi­ng an indecent image of a child by Greater Manchester Police – even though the boy sent it himself.

The boy and two other children involved in the incident have had their details placed on a police database for life.

But the recording could also harm their chances of landing a future job because potential employers could learn of the incident if they conduct an advanced Disclosure and Barring Service check.

When asked about the case of the 14-year- old boy in Manchester, Miss Pinkney said: ‘In this case the right decision was made not to prosecute the boy, but they did record it because the school had told us. In the future, if the boy wanted to work with children, he would need to apply for an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check. The DBS would then form an opinion about whether to disclose it to an employer or not.’

Miss Pinkney said she would not expect his ‘crime’ to be disclosed. She added that even if it was, he would be told first, giving him a chance to appeal the decision.

However, this process could take time and the delay could put off a potential employer who may have numerous candidates.

Greater Manchester Police insisted that it was simply recording the crime in accordance with national standards and Home Office rules.

Yesterday it also emerged that Nottingham­shire Police last year sent a strongly worded warning to children in an attempt to combat the rise of sexting.

In a letter to schools, Detective Inspector Martin Hillier said sending explicit images could result in court action or see a child forced to register as a sex offender.

In the letter, he said a teenage girl who sent a topless picture of herself to her boyfriend was investigat­ed after being deemed to have distribute­d an indecent image of a child. Northumbri­a Police has revealed that it held 18 sex-texting investigat­ions involving children last year. A ten-year- old boy was cautioned by officers for sending explicit pictures of himself to an 11-year- old using a phone app called ooVoo.

And a 12-year- old boy was cautioned for doing the same thing to a different 11-year-old girl.

Meanwhile, police in South Wales have spoken to 65 children aged from eight to 17 who sent explicit images and messages over the past two years.

Officers say most were ‘ advised accordingl­y’ about their behaviour. Others were referred to social services, made to complete restorativ­e justice, or were the subject of a youth restorativ­e disposal. Three received a youth caution.

Legal experts say that children over ten, which is the age of criminal responsibi­lity in England and Wales, who have been spoken to by police will have their actions placed on file.

This is because police can decide who they prosecute but not what they record.

Once alerted to the crime of sending naked selfies they are obliged to record it under rigid procedures brought in following the murders of ten-year-olds Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman in Soham in 2002.

‘We have to record it’

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