Daily Mail

Bridget’s back — and on Good Morning Britain!


The saga over whether the third Bridget Jones film will ever appear seems to have been going on for ever. But after years of huffing and puffing, I have major intelligen­ce that confirms the movie is now all systems go.

This week, the movie’s apple- cheeked star Renee Zellweger was spotted attending editorial briefings at ITV’s breakfast show good Morning Britain.

Over the next few weeks, staff have been warned she will be popping in to attend various meetings for the show, as well as its sister programme Lorraine.

apparently, it’s all part of her preparatio­n for her next outing as author helen Fielding’s much-loved creation. The movie, provisiona­lly titled Bridget Jones’s Baby, is set to star Colin Firth as her lover Mark Darcy, but hugh grant, who plays sex mad rotter Daniel Cleaver, is not returning after disagreeme­nts over the script.

The movie will be substantia­lly different from Fielding’s third novel, Mad about The Boy, in which her heroine is a 50-something unemployed mother of two and Darcy is dead.

It is thought the latest film will see her keen for a first child and continue her job working with trashy breakfast TV programme sit Up Britain, hence the research at ITV.

‘We are all under strict instructio­n not to take any pictures of Renee. and above all, not to put anything out on social media about her being here,’ says my source.

‘We’ve been told she is spending time in the office “for research purposes only”.’

While preparing for her first outing as Bridget, Zellweger did work experience in the London offices of publisher Picador, sporting a sloaney accent and operating under the pseudonym Bridget Cavendish.

she managed to survive two weeks in the press office without anyone there ever catching on.

she later said: ‘There was a woman at a desk near me who read a novel called One True Thing during her breaks. I’d appeared in a movie of the novel and my face was on the front cover.

‘I’m amazed she never made the connection between her book and the person at the next desk.’ The first film, Bridget Jones’s Diary, took £172 million around the world so there is a lot riding on its success. Revisiting Bridget will also require one further piece of method acting for Zellweger. The petite star famously put on more than two stone to play the size 16 character, by consuming 3,000 calories a day. she ate her way through 12 courses of fatty foods each day, snacking on chocolates, crisps and sugary drinks.

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