Daily Mail

All this... and Britain conquered Everest, too!


THE dramatic news of the conquest of 29,000ft Everest was flashed to the British Embassy here last night from Namche Bazar police station. A trick code was used to avoid local intercepti­on.

The message read simply: ‘Hillary and Tenzing reached summit twenty-ninth all well.’

Down here in the Nepal Valley there is every indication that the weather has finally broken and that the attempt was made only just in time. There was another terrific storm last night, and a monsoon which will cover Everest in a death shroud of snow is now predicted to arrive within four days.

If Friday’s attempt had failed, the expedition leader, Colonel John Hunt, would have had to abandon the assault.

This Coronation year expedition was the largest and costliest ever sent to Everest. As much as £25,000 has been spent to give the members the best equipment that past experience and present-day science can provide. Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, a Sherpa, made the ascent using oxygen equipment. Tenzing, however, may not have needed the apparatus. His physique is so remarkable that he can climb using hardly any bottled oxygen.

Before leaving the Palace for the Abbey yesterday the Queen sent this message to the British Minister in Kathmandu: ‘ Please convey to Colonel Hunt and all members of the British Expedition my warmest congratula­tions on their great achievemen­t in reaching the summit of Mount Everest — Elizabeth R.’

Prince Philip’s message said: ‘Everybody is delighted with the wonderful news. Well done.’

 ??  ?? Edmund Hillary and Tenzing
Edmund Hillary and Tenzing

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