Daily Mail

My breeches are too tight, complains page


THIS is the story of Coronation Day told last night by John Talbot, 11year-old Page to the Earl of Shrewsbury. IT BEGAN to feel like a really special day when we set off in cousin John’s horse-drawn coach for the Abbey at 6.15am.

He is the Earl of Shrewsbury and is one of the three peers who were determined to drive their family coach to the service, though there was some opposition from the organisers.

There was not enough room for me, so they had a special tip-up seat made which was quite comfortabl­e and gave a super view of the route.

Before the ceremony began, we had to wait a long time in the Abbey annexe. I ate all my glucose sweets and looked at people.

Once, the Earl Marshal was standing near some pages and he said: ‘Jolly lucky I am not your headmaster. I would beat the lot of you.’

Sir Winston Churchill was also near us, and when the State coach drew up outside he went out to see the Queen. When he came back he looked sort of emotional and said: ‘I had to have a private view. She is lovely.’

When the procession started in the Abbey, I walked behind cousin John and carried his coronet. Then I gave it to him and took the White Wand of Ireland to keep during the service.

I sat next to some other pages at the top of the transept. We had to stretch our heads to see the Queen on the throne, but she glittered all over and looked like a fairy.

And there were jewels sparkling all over the Abbey. When I moved my head the diamonds looked different colours — sometimes blue, sometimes green, sometimes pink.

My breeches were so tight I could hardly sit down, and then I could hardly get up again.

It was the most smashing day of my life, and I have only two regrets. I lost my three-cornered hat in the robing room and I did not see Prince Charles.

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