Daily Mail

MISSING . . . and FOUND!


THE DAILY MAIL offers readers a unique opportunit­y to re-establish contact with long-lost relatives and friends. Each week, MONICA PORTER features the story of someone trying to find a missing loved one, as well as a tale of people reunited. This column is produced in conjunctio­n with the voluntary tracing service, Searching For A Memory, run by Gill and John Whitley.

Ian Chantry, of Ipswich, Suffolk, writes: ‘ My photo shows members of red Watch, Grimsby County Borough Fire Brigade, circa 1967.

‘ typically, having just finished dealing with a smoky fire in a derelict property, they take five for a smoke!

‘From left to right, they are: John Grey, Graham Barr, Derek hewer, George Croft and Brian Bateman.

‘though not in the photo, I served with these men at the Peaks Lane Fire Station from 1964 to 1975, before moving on to other brigades during my fire service career.

‘I retired in Suffolk in 1998. John Grey left the Borough in the late Sixties to join the fire service in new Zealand, where he lives in retirement.

‘We’re in regular contact and would relish catching up with any surviving red Watch members of that era.

‘throughout our years of service together, dealing with countless incidents, sometimes tragic, but often humorous, special friendship­s were forged. “Do you remember that job?” the conversati­on often begins between oldtimers who shared many an adventure during their service with the brigade.

‘Some members of the watch became interested in music, played various instrument­s and wanted to form a band called the Firecracke­rs.

‘But it never got off the ground, as levels of skill were varied and the resulting music was awful!

‘reg hill was always one for a tune, and was noted for his habit of whistling while going about his duties.

‘One day, he had a minor accident (walked into a door), resulting in a fat lip. Unable to whistle, his frustratio­n was the butt of many a joke.’

Who knew fire-fighting could be such fun? In May, Val Gander wrote: ‘My sister Sylvia and I were great friends in our younger days with two sisters, Sandra and Pat Parker.

‘We all lived in Purley, Surrey, and had many adventures together, including fun times at the local recreation ground.

‘In our teens, Pat often came on holiday with my family. We made hobby horses together and bought similar party dresses, as my photo shows.

‘We would hang around our homes playing pop records and go shopping in Croydon on a Saturday.

‘It was the mid-Fifties to early Sixties and there wasn’t as much entertainm­ent as today — we made our own!

‘Sylvia and Sandra went to the Orchid Ballroom in Purley and saw Paul anka perform in the town. We went to Saturday morning pictures together at the local cinema.

‘Pat later married and her name changed to Gould. She eventually moved away and we lost touch. Sandra married a richard Evans and also moved away.

‘I live in the new Forest, hampshire, and my sister Sylvia lives in north yorkshire. Could you find these sisters whom we haven’t seen for more than 50 years?’

Indeed, we can. Our nifty researcher David Kilby traced Pat via her daughter, who provided contact details.

and, before long, Val emailed with an update: ‘I have had a long conversati­on with Pat, Sylvia has spoken to Sandra and we all hope to meet up in a few months.

‘thanks very much for your help — it really was good to speak to Pat and find out what’s been happening to her over the past 50 years.’

IF there is someone you would like to trace, write to Gill Whitley, 1 Newbrook house, New hall Lane, Preston, Pr1 5Pe, enclosing an SAE, or send an email to monica.porter@dailymail. co.uk — including a contact phone number. All communicat­ions will be answered as soon as possible. this column is researched with the aid of Peopletrac­er (www.peopletrac­er.co.uk). A small donation will be requested for employing Gill Whitley’s services.

 ??  ?? Party girls: Val (left) with her childhood chum Pat
Party girls: Val (left) with her childhood chum Pat
 ??  ?? Taking five: Members of Red Watch, Grimsby fire brigade
Taking five: Members of Red Watch, Grimsby fire brigade

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