Daily Mail

Councillor rants at his own wardens over parking ticket

He brands them ‘heartless b*****ds’...then is forced to apologise

- By Liz Hull

WHEN his classic Triumph Herald spluttered to a halt in a no-parking zone, Tory councillor Ben Locker left a note asking for leniency from traffic wardens.

So when he returned to find a £70 ticket, he let rip on Twitter – labelling them ‘ heartless, target driven b*****ds.’

But the expletive-laden remark has now sparked a row with standards’ officials at his own local authority, who accused him of abusing staff and demanded a public apology.

Mr Locker duly obliged but maintained that slapping his brokendown car with a fine when it had a flat battery was ‘ unsympathe­tic.’ He is planning to appeal the fine.

Mr Locker was driving in Colchester in Essex – where he sits on the council – when the car broke down in the town centre. After unsuccessf­ul attempts to jump start the motor – which he calls Daphne – he left it on a single yellow line where signs clearly forbid parking between 2pm and 3pm.

He then left a note on the windscreen that read: ‘Flat battery, will move this afternoon,’ before going off to buy a new one. But at 2.18pm a traffic warden issued a ticket and left it on his car. ‘There was nothing else I could do,’ Mr Locker added.

‘I found the parking ticket on the windscreen when I came back with the battery.

‘I thought it was a bit off. The restrictio­n is there to stop commuters parking there all day, not to penalise broken down motors.’

In a fit of pique he sent a Tweet, which read: ‘Thank you North East Essex Parking Partnershi­p. You heartless, target-driven b******s.’

After the post was reported to the council’s standards’ officer, Mr Locker deleted his remarks and agreed to make a short apology .

‘I apologise if my tweet about this parking ticket was read as a criticism of any individual,’ he wrote. ‘It wasn’t.’ Mr Locker, who was elected in May, explained later that his rant was directed more towards the organisati­on and culture of parking services, which he called ‘targetdriv­en and quite unforgivin­g’.

He added: ‘I do think getting the ticket was unsympathe­tic and I will appeal against it.’ But Robert Mitchell, chairman of the town hall-led parking partnershi­p, said he was ‘ extremely disappoint­ed’ that a serving councillor had used such ‘inappropri­ate language.’

‘As an organisati­on, we take any form of physical or verbal abuse very seriously,’ he said.

‘The role, as enforcemen­t officers, can be challengin­g at times and situations like this are unacceptab­le.

‘It is extremely disappoint­ing any councillor would feel the need to use inappropri­ate language.’

Colchester Council said its monitoring officer contacted Councillor Locker following the tweet last Friday to remind him of the town hall code of conduct and ask for a public apology.

A spokesman said: ‘That apology has been made and, for the council, the matter is closed.’

‘Target-driven and unforgivin­g’

 ??  ?? Fury: Ben Locker with his car
Fury: Ben Locker with his car

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