Daily Mail

Are we facing a new era of union strikes?


WhY are trades union leaders so opposed to what most democratic­ally minded voters would accept as fair and sensible strike rules? Is it because they might no longer be able to ignore the wishes of their members who have no want to strike? It’s been quite obvious since the last election — which was a major shock to their ego — that the unions’ main objective is to cause major problems for the Government. This will be further strengthen­ed with the election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader. They will consider his appointmen­t as a mandate to cause chaos. Unions were formed to act on behalf of their members in terms of working conditions, pay and benefits and to negotiate such with management — not to ignore our democratic Parliament­ary procedures and laws. That’s the job of the elected Opposition. It’s hoped that the ordinary union member won’t be fooled by union rhetoric over their right to strike and attacks on union freedom. It is the ordinary member who must stand up and be counted to resist increasing far-Left aims.

A.W. STUPPLES, Wigan. IN A free country, no reasonable person would deny the right of workers to take strike action they have a just reason so to do. But for unions to pledge strike chaos and civil unrest and threaten to break the law of the land with the expressed intention of ‘bringing down’ the Government is beyond all reason. Inciting a riot is still a serious crime. Members of trades unions might have the right to strike, but they do not have the right to prevent millions of other workers from reaching their place of business, to work and to earn a living. Such action not only costs other workers and businesses millions, but could even cost them their jobs and their homes.

R.E. DONALDSON, Bognor Regis, West Sussex.

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