Daily Mail

A prisoner of IBS?

- theibsnetw­ork.org.

EACH year some 12 million of us experience irksome digestive problems linked with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) — ranging from bloating and constipati­on to diarrhoea, stomach pains and nausea. In fact, gastro-intestinal problems account for 25 per cent of all visits to the doctor, with half of these turning out to be IBS. And three out of four sufferers are women. For some, the unpredicta­bility of an attack leaves them too anxious to leave home, in case they can’t get to a toilet quickly enough to prevent an accident. IBS can only be diagnosed by a qualified medical profession­al. And then it is a case of managing lifestyle and diet to help make life more comfortabl­e. Natural products can also play a role. Clinical research over seven decades has repeatedly shown that silicic acid, suspended in gel, can help to normalise the function of the stomach and bowel quickly and without side-effects. This compound of the mineral silicon and oxygen lines the digestive tract and acts as a magnet, binding the toxins, irritants and pathogens that cause inflammati­on and rendering them harmless as they pass through. Users of silicic acid gel typically report fast relief from their symptoms — particular­ly diarrhoea, stomach ache, bloating and nausea. Many report feeling in control of their life again and being able to exercise, take simple trips to the shops, and accept invitation­s to family events that would once have been impossible for fear of an IBS attack. Silicic acid is now available for daily use in a colloidal gel form and can be purchased from Boots and independen­t pharmacies.

For more informatio­n on how to manage symptoms of IBS, visit

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