Daily Mail

Guilty, ginger militant in plot to kill Charles

He wanted to get Harry on the throne

- Daily Mail Reporter

a GINGER extremist who fantasised about shooting prince charles and prince william so Harry could be king has been found guilty of plotting a terror attack in revenge for being bullied about his hair.

Mark colborne, 37, likened himself to Norwegian far-right mass murderer anders Breivik and made diary notes about assassinat­ing the royals with a high-powered sniper rifle.

the aryan supremacis­t, who once worked in a funeral parlour, also wrote about attacking Jeremy clarkson and Labour Mp Harriet Harman for insulting people with red hair.

the self-styled ‘ginger avenger’ bought enough of the active ingredient­s found in cyanide to kill 2,500 people. He stockpiled dust masks, metal filter funnels, plastic syringes and latex gloves, a court was told.

But colborne was caught after his half-brother Kevin found the chemicals and his diary in his bedroom at the family home in southampto­n in June last year. Following a retrial at the Old Bailey, he was found guilty of preparing terrorist acts yesterday.

the jury convicted him on the basis that colborne possessed handwritte­n notes copied from internet manuals such as the terrorist Handbook, the complete Improvised Kitchen and the Jolly roger cookbook about the production of viable explosives.

the court heard colborne felt alienated and marginalis­ed for being a white, ginger-haired, man. He also suffered from agoraphobi­a and depression. In his note- book, he wrote: ‘I don’t want to be a serial killer. I’m more of an anders Breivik. I have left potential targets open.

‘I was waiting for an opportunit­y to kill one of them. Let it be prince charles which would be good.’

He wrote how he wanted a ‘silent rifle’ which he would use ‘to put a bullet in charles’s head’.

colborne added: ‘He is protected but not too protected. I would sacrifice my life for that one shot. Kill charles and william and Harry become king. Kill the tyrants.’

shortly after Breivik killed 77 people in July 2011, the loner, who was a member of the BNP, wrote: ‘the terror attack in Norway was what I was planning to do in england. It was poetic and brilliant.

‘He worked alone and below radar, brilliant ...

‘I want them to see my transition from poor red-haired victimised minority that is constantly walked over to a fully transforme­d military terrorist striking at the hearts of the bigoted tyrannical rulers. I will be heard through terror.’

colborne was remanded into custody ahead of sentencing on November 3.

 ??  ?? Target: Charles with Harry
Target: Charles with Harry

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