Daily Mail

A battle of the ages

- By James Coney j.coney@dailymail.co.uk

FOR most people in their 60s and 70s, buying a home has been the best financial decision they ever made.

The housing market has soared in the 30 or 40 years they’ve owned their property — and so through luck rather than judgment, they’ve been left with masses of equity.

It’s allowed them to see out their days in large, lovely homes. There’s a lot to be jealous of.

But now those living in properties with spare bedrooms are being told to move on. They’re being branded home-blockers who are depriving the next generation of the chance to buy a property of their own.

It’s causing a bitter rift between the generation­s.

It wasn’t so long ago that I was renting in London — and I have plenty of friends who are still in this position. So I can understand the resentment towards the haves from the have-nots.

But frankly, how dare those driven by jealousy and despair try to pressurise older homeowners out of the properties they have spent decades of care and attention on?

It is creating a battle between the ages. And besides, this is not the solution to the problem — it is scapegoati­ng.

And I don’t believe for a minute that those calling for the older homeowners to move on would do the same thing when their own children finally move out.

It’s like a property market equivalent of the film Logan’s Run — where once you reach a certain age you’re expected to give up everything so those who are under 30 can live their dreams.

It also ignores the pressures of downsizing and the lack of availabili­ty of suitable housing. Even if Saga got its way and the Treasury granted all older homeowners one move free from stamp duty to downsize, I can’t see that this would go far to alleviatin­g the strain on the property market.

It needs something far more fundamenta­l and dramatic.

Britain is in the grip of a property crisis that’s caused by a chronic shortage of homes: flats for first-time buyers, family homes, and smaller properties that suit the needs of the elderly.

Migration, buy- to - let investors, Government policy, longevity, Nimbyism and developers are all part of this equation — to isolate one factor without acknowledg­ing the influence of the others would be naive and to misunderst­and the grave dilemma the nation faces.

Over the next few weeks, Money Mail plans to dissect the key issues in our housing market and visit a number of the communitie­s that are being affected by the property squeeze.

We need to build more of the right homes in the right places and, crucially, sell them for the right prices. But for one generation to blame the other for the current ills is not the way to achieve it.

Intrusive IT I’VE HAD grey hairs since I turned 30. At first it was a few little strands — now, my hair is best described as ‘salt and pepper’.

It’s always been a source of great amusement among friends who have the same richly coloured locks as when they were teens.

It’s never bothered me. But now I’m starting to worry about what an insurer might think about my premature wisps of grey.

As we reveal on Page 45, insurers are looking at new technology that studies a photo you send in and sets your premiums accordingl­y.

If you look older than your years, then their computer system may well decide that you need to pay a higher premium because — bluntly — you’re ageing more quickly and could die sooner.

Gulp. Of course, the message may not be delivered quite so brutally, but that’s the essence of it. The idea behind this facialreco­gnition technology is to cut down on fraudsters who, for example, say they don’t smoke, but their picture suggests otherwise. These systems may be advanced, but they are just another intrusion into our personal lives.

Computer programs already exist that will compare your picture with any there might be of you on the internet.

In the past, we’ve revealed how insurers and the taxman are studying Facebook and other social media to crack down on fraud.

That’s why I’m always urging readers to be very careful before they post anything online. All this informatio­n about your habits is gold dust.

Insurers say they’re a way off using this new facial-recognitio­n technology to set premiums. In the meantime, I’ll be learning how to edit a photo on my computer — just in case the next time I buy life insurance I have to send them a picture and need to touch up a few grey hairs.

Pension chaos THANK you for all the letters and emails about your state pension forecasts. It is clear you feel misled by the promises made by the Government about what you would receive.

What is also startling is how many of you left jobs early to look after husbands and wives who were ill, or to babysit grandchild­ren while their parents were at work. Many of you were made redundant and have found yourselves unemployed because businesses don’t want to take on an older worker. You paint a devastatin­g picture of the modern workplace, and the pressures of families today. It’s a far cry from the retirement you’d dreamed of — but now you’ve been left out of pocket by the constantly moving goalposts of UK pensions.

It’s high time ministers ended this upheaval and gave some stability to the next generation of retirees.

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