Daily Mail



A ‘Supermoon’ occurs if the moon grows full at a point along its orbit that takes it slightly closer to us than usual. This causes it to appear a little larger. You may notice that when you look at the sky this weekend. If you do this early on monday morning you may also see it turning briefly crimson while being eclipsed by the earth’s shadow. It is this colourful effect that has caused some poetic people to call it a Blood moon. But despite all you may have read on the internet, it does not portend doom or gloom.

The Blood Moon eclipse is visible from the British Isles on Monday from 1.11am to 6.22am, with maximum totality at 3.47am (all times BST).

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 YOU used to see a situation one way. Now, you see it differentl­y. Does this mean you were wrong back then? Not necessaril­y. Under those circumstan­ces, you may well have been right to take that view just as, in the light of all that’s happening now, you are right to take another view. The toughest challenge you have had to rise to lately has involved finding the strength to make an overdue change. You are steeling yourself for a tough time ahead. It may yet prove surprising­ly easy this weekend. As we approach the Supermoon, get ready to look at your life and take advantage of a rare opportunit­y. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21 NEWS and sport. Do they go together like rice and beans? Some chefs would say not and some philosophe­rs wonder if this link is the reason why so much of the news seems to be about folk trying to get the better of other folk. Could it be that we are all too focused on pointscori­ng and thrashing opponents? Should we not aspire to respect and admire those we sometimes feel so keen to trounce? A key story in your life can have a happy outcome if you can see why a truce equals a victory this weekend. The powerful Supermoon has a very special message to touch your heart and lift your spirits. Let me explain on 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22 MERCURY rules your sign. It is called the heavenly messenger because it zips across the sky so swiftly. But once in a while, even the speediest must slow down. A sideeffect of Mercury’s current retrograde phase is the way in which it repeats the antagonist­ic angle to Pluto that occurred earlier in the month. Usually, it would have moved on, just as you might have moved on from a cause for concern. The fact it seems to have come back this weekend is not as problemati­c as you may fear. Tap into the power of the Supermoon. Powerful possibilit­ies await you. Call your latest week-ahead forecast on 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23 CASTLES are surrounded by a moat and drawbridge to keep invaders at bay. Cities, back in the olden days, were often walled. While this may have created a great sense of security, it afforded no protection against those who were on the inside! Furthermor­e, those defences did not just keep out enemies, they deterred visits from trading partners or carriers of good new ideas. Often, the best way to protect yourself from a problem is to be trusting and open. That’s all you need to do this weekend. Are you ready to look at your life in a new light? The Supermoon has a powerful message. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO PEOPLE July 24 — Aug 23 speak about the march of progress. The implicatio­n is that it moves like an unstoppabl­e army. Resistance is futile! Yet how often do we find ourselves looking back on the changes we have made in our lives and wondering: ‘Was that really necessary?’ With the benefit of hindsight, we see that a subtle adjustment could have accomplish­ed just as much or more with significan­tly less stress. This weekend brings your chance to be wise in advance of an event. As we approach the Supermoon, get ready to look at your life and take advantage of a rare opportunit­y. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23 DON’T you deserve to feel a little more stable and secure? Must your life be a continual struggle to survive against a climate of stress, strife and adversity? Can’t you have more comfort and safety? Would the ability to relax, enjoy life and even indulge yourself be such an outrageous luxury? You may have begun to suspect no relief or reward will hove into view on your horizon. Raise yourself to a high vantage point this weekend and look more closely. The good ship serendipit­y is putting into port. The powerful Supermoon has a very special message to touch your heart and lift your spirits. Let me explain on 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23 PSYCHOLOGI­STS tell us that when most people envisage the journey from the past to the future, they think of travelling along a line that runs from left to right. Only those whose written language runs from right to left take the opposite view. However you see it, you want to go forward, not backwards. That’s understand­able, but it doesn’t follow that if you revisit a part of your history this weekend you will be taking a retrograde step. It could bring a constructi­ve discovery. Tap into the power of the Supermoon. Powerful possibilit­ies await you. Call your latest week-ahead forecast on 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22 WE CAN’T force other people to like us, any more than they can oblige us to like them. But in much the same way a charming smile can disarm a potential opponent, a hostile gesture can introduce a tense air into an otherwise easy situation. What you give out this weekend will be what you get back. So do as you would be done to and strive to meet your highest standards of integrity. Sincerely expect the best in every encounter and you will yet find that others are fair and honest in their dealings with you. Are you ready to look at your life in a new light? The Supermoon has a powerful message. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21 ‘ALL work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.’ So goes the old saying. Some think that now Saturn is in Sagittariu­s, you may as well be that Jack or Jill! But they are not taking an important point into account. The ‘work’ you are doing is the kind you relish. The challenge you are rising to is the type you thrive on. The effort you are investing will reward you long after it is a mere memory. This weekend, you will take significan­t strides in a rewarding direction. As we approach the Supermoon, get ready to look at your life and take advantage of a rare opportunit­y. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20 YOU don’t need to hurry this weekend. Nor do you need to worry. Yet you may find it tricky to resist the urge to do both. It is important to make a distinctio­n between an astrologic­al influence that promotes a sense of restlessne­ss and a situation that warrants genuine unease. We humans are peculiar creatures. We are capable of finding fault with whatever tiny factor is less than ideal and then becoming obsessed with it. See the bigger picture and be inspired by it. The powerful Supermoon has a very special message to touch your heart and lift your spirits. Let me explain: 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19 YESTERDAY, I suggested that it is OK to feel happy for no reason. Does the same principle apply to sadness? Is that an experience that can fall upon us at any time, like a sudden mist? Perhaps so. Perhaps it, too, requires no explanatio­n or justificat­ion. But even if that’s so, whenever, however or why ever it presents itself, it can always be dispelled by the stronger forces of faith, hope and positivity. These will be with you in abundance this weekend. Tap into the power of the Supermoon. Powerful possibilit­ies await you. Call your latest week-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20 WE NEVER can be sure about what’s going on in another person’s mind. While this might give rise to some insecurity, there is at least some comfort to be gained from the recognitio­n that this cuts both ways. They can’t tell what we are thinking either. Even great psychics and clairvoyan­ts, for all their amazing feats of prescience and telepathy, can miss crucial clues and essential social signals. This weekend, you may find out that someone has an unexpected opinion. That is not as problemati­c as it may at first appear. Are you ready to look at your life in a new light? The Supermoon has a powerful message. Call 0906 751 5612.

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