Daily Mail

A feminist error


I ReCAll nearly being thrown out of a women’s meeting in the Seventies because I said it was silly for a woman to expect to walk home alone in a see-through blouse and not be attacked.

everyone was furious: ‘we should be allowed to walk anywhere, wearing anything.’ I thought that was nonsense then and it’s nonsense now.

In the Sixties, most ordinary young women didn’t get drunk, because we’d had the potential consequenc­es drummed into us — and I’m certainly not defending those consequenc­es.

we stayed sober and walked home in a group, but then there have always been feminists — the less vocal majority — who believe in women’s rights, but also in common sense.

Not all feminists (an honourable label in those days, not a put-down) take ideas to extremes. Feminists who believe a woman who wakes up and can’t remember what happened to her the night before should assume she’s been raped and go to a support group might be the most vocal, but are not the majority.

In the Sixties, I was fighting for more women judges, more women MPs, more women in the boardroom and equal pay — a fairer world for everyone.

we’re getting there, but some things disappoint me. I have never campaigned for more women to be lying drunk in the gutter or more women thrusting their pumped-up bosoms from every advertisem­ent in our brainless celebrity culture.

we need respect and equality as women. But we also need to respect ourselves and behave with dignity, and not be continuall­y obsessed with what we look like, but with what we think.

DIANNE STOKES, Wells, Somerset.

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