Daily Mail


From tomorrow it will be illegal to light up in cars with children. But it’s all a farce because . . .

- By Chris Greenwood and Ben Spencer

A NEW law against smoking in cars carrying children will not be enforced, police chiefs admitted last night.

From tomorrow officers will have the power to dish out £50 on-the-spot fines.

But police bosses say they will turn a blind eye to those caught flouting the law. Drivers will instead get away with a warning – ‘education not prosecutio­n’. The approach is a blow to ministers who pushed through the legislatio­n on the advice of health experts. At least three million children are thought to be exposed to dangerous fumes in their family car.

The Mail understand­s that private guidance to chief constables urges them to give motorists at least three months to adjust to the new law. A similar approach was taken with the workplace smoking ban in 2007.

A spokesman for the National Police Chiefs’ Council said: ‘Forces will be following guidance from the Chartered Institute of Environmen­tal Health by taking an educationa­l, advisory and non-confrontat­ional approach.’

A Department of Health source said officials expected police not to hunt for offenders. Critics of the legislatio­n said it was unenforcea­ble and

unnecessar­y. Under the Smoke-Free (Private Vehicles) Regulation­s 2015, it will become an offence to light up in any enclosed vehicle that is carrying people aged under 18.

The law can be enforced by police, who have the power to stop a vehicle, or some council staff, who do not have this power.

Those caught face a warning, a £50 fixed penalty, reduced to £30 if paid with two weeks, or a fine of up to £200 if convicted in a magistrate­s court.

In cases where the passenger is the smoker both they and the driver will have committed an offence. In an interestin­g quirk, the legislatio­n bans lighting up in a caravan or motorhome only if it is moving.

It is also not a crime to smoke in a convertibl­e with the top down or for a 17-year-old to smoke while driving without anyone else in the car aged under 18. Electronic cigarettes are not covered because they do not emit toxic fumes. But motorists who hang their cigarettes out of the window will still be committing an offence.

Officials hope the new law will underline a ‘cultural change’, with smoking in a vehicle with children quickly becoming as socially unacceptab­le as drink driving.

The Police Federation, which represents the front line, said officers should not be expected to act as health workers.

Jayne Willetts said: ‘Making this an offence that officers are expected to enforce just creates an unnecessar­y extra layer of bureaucrac­y. With resources being cut, no force can prioritise their hard-pressed police officers’ time for this. It brings us back to the whole problem of police being “everything for everyone” and, now, health workers.

‘Meanwhile, we are struggling to find resources to stop crimes that have a much more dramatic impact on victims.’

Motoring lawyers said it will be hard to distinguis­h between cigarettes and electronic versions that emit a smoke-like vapour.

Police encountere­d similar problems when the mobile phone ban was introduced, as some motorists were mistakenly accused of holding handheld devices.

Simon Clark, of smokers’ group Forest, said the new law was ‘unnecessar­y and almost certainly unenforcea­ble’.

He added: ‘The authoritie­s, especially the police, must have better things to do.’

Professor Sally Davies, the Government’s chief medical officer, said: ‘We want children to grow up free from harm and we need parents to understand why smoking in vehicles is so dangerous. ‘Eighty per cent of smoke is invisible so even if you think you are being careful you cannot see where the smoke is going.’

Dr Anil Namdeo, of Newcastle University’s Transport Operations Research Group, has carried out experiment­s on secondhand smoke in vehicles to test levels of dangerous chemicals.

The test found even with the window open, levels were more than 100 times higher than recommende­d safety guidelines.

Smoking will be banned in prisons despite fears it could spark disturbanc­es, the Government announced last night.

From early next year, eight jails in England and Wales will become smoke-free. The ban will then be rolled out across all 136 prisons.

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