Daily Mail

Leaders... and one reluctant handshake

Two world

- From Jack Doyle in New York

THEY need to work together to tackle the Syria crisis, but as these photos confirm, it doesn’t mean they have to like each other.

A meeting between Russia’s Vladimir Putin and US President Barack Obama at the United Nations in New York on Monday was a frosty affair, with neither showing any warmth towards the other, and Mr Obama later pointedly refusing to smile back at Mr Putin during a toast over dinner. It came as David Cameron said world leaders were still ‘miles apart’ over Syria.

The Prime Minister’s downbeat assessment of the prospects for a diplomatic solution to the crisis came during an interview with US television station CBS yesterday, in which he dismissed any prospect of a ‘phoney’ solution involving Bashar al-Assad remaining in power in Syria.

He added: ‘The meeting between Obama and Putin was important but we need much more of that to try to build some sort of shared understand­ing. Is this the most difficult intractabl­e problem that President Obama has faced and that I face? Yes.

‘So many people have died and so many have left the country but that doesn’t mean you give up. Nor should it mean that you go for a sort of phoney solution of thinking you could team up with Assad to fight Isil, because that would be self -defeating.’

Mr Cameron said Russia’s attempts to bolster the Syrian regime in recent weeks showed Assad was ‘on the brink of failing’.

He added: ‘ So far the problem has been that Russia and Iran have not been prepared to contemplat­e the end state of a Syria without Assad.’

 ??  ?? Oh, all right then: Barack Obama grudgingly offers his hand to putin...
... and the pair finally shake hands
Oh, all right then: Barack Obama grudgingly offers his hand to putin... ... and the pair finally shake hands

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