Daily Mail

My friend Dave brings dishonour on Britain by kowtowing to China’s despots

- By Steve Hilton

Politician­s engaged in flattery should ‘lay it on with a trowel’, advised the Victorian conservati­ve Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli.

He was talking about royalty, but we seem to have taken his advice when it comes to china’s ruling oligarchy.

the extravagan­tly lavish welcome that will be given to President Xi Jinping during his state visit this week includes a ride down the Mall in an ornate carriage, a stay at Buckingham Palace, a 103-gun salute, an address to the Houses of Parliament and a white- tie royal banquet.

all this for a man who was so incensed by reporting of the vast wealth amassed by his family during his rise to power that the news organisati­ons involved had visas blocked for their journalist­s.

and all this for a ruling elite whose corruption is matched only by its rage when the cynical self- enrichment is revealed, thanks to a Pulitzer Prizewinni­ng investigat­ion by the new York times.

none of this should surprise us: communist dictators never change their spots. they claim to be for the people but in the end it’s always about the power they can amass over people.


today, the political establishm­ent’s justificat­ion for all the pageantry and sucking-up is twofold. First, generosity towards President Xi will supposedly deepen china’s engagement with the West, thereby promoting a more liberal, democratic outlook within the ruling regime. second, a stronger relationsh­ip with china is said to be in Britain’s economic interests.

During his recent visit to chengdu, the capital of sichuan province, George osborne declared that ‘we are entering a golden era of co- operation between our two countries, and it is crucial that businesses and communitie­s across the UK feel the full benefit of forging closer links with china’.

indeed, the chancellor is pushing for china to invest in both the proposed Hs2 rail link and a new generation of nuclear power stations, starting with Hinkley Point in somerset, for which he has guaranteed £2 billion of Government support in an attempt to secure a deal.

But neither of these arguments is convincing. there is little evidence that a deeper relationsh­ip

THE PM’S CLOSE FRIEND AND FORMER GURU boosts either freedom in china or prosperity in our own country. on the contrary, western approval appears to have strengthen­ed the regime’s brutal authoritar­ianism, providing a veneer of legitimacy for its savage oppression back home.

Meanwhile, the desperatio­n to attract chinese cash only emphasises our economic vulnerabil­ity.

For the nation that pioneered the industrial Revolution, the idea that we are now dependent on the chinese to meet our domestic energy or transport needs should be a source of embarrassm­ent not celebratio­n — particular­ly when there are policies we could pursue at home to unlock infrastruc­ture investment without going cap-inhand to Beijing.

all the upbeat political rhetoric cannot disguise the reality that there is something repugnant about fawning over one of the world’s cruellest, most corrupt dictatorsh­ips.

china remains a savage autocracy that shows utter contempt for human rights. Dissidents continue to be jailed or executed on an epic scale. opposition to communist tyranny is almost impossible. the police state is still in place, complete with mass surveillan­ce and mind control techniques.

china’s notorious one- child policy, which has been relaxed but not abolished, means female citizens can be subjected to the forcible insertion of intrauteri­ne contracept­ive devices or compulsory abortions.

Far from easing, this barbarous tyranny is becoming worse. amnesty internatio­nal reports that, since July, 245 human rights lawyers and activists have been targeted by the chinese government, with at least 30 missing or in police custody.

in its 2015 report on china, the group Human Rights Watch reported that the authoritie­s ‘have unleashed an extraordin­ary assault on basic human rights and their defenders with a ferocity unseen in recent years, an alarming sign given that the current leadership will likely remain in power through [to] 2023’.

Meanwhile, china is becoming just as big a bully abroad as it is at home, increasing­ly flexing its muscles as a global military superpower. neighbours are threatened, foreign computer systems hacked and commercial secrets stolen.

Yet this is the regime for which Britain is now rolling out the red carpet. instead of standing up to a dangerous rogue state, we are bowing down before it.

i understand why David cameron and George osborne are doing this. they genuinely believe it’s in Britain’s long-term economic interests. Well, although they are good friends and i usually support them wholeheart­edly, on this issue, as they have known for years, i think they are deeply wrong.

the contrast in our stance towards Vladimir Putin’s Russia could hardly be greater. Quite rightly, western leaders loudly express their outrage over Putin’s oppression at home and aggression abroad.

after his annexation of crimea and military support for rebels in Ukraine, the West backed up these words with sanctions, which have had an impact on the Russian economy.

Yet nothing like this has been done about china. Human rights abuses will be a taboo subject this week. china’s seizure of tibet, a far more brutal act than Russia’s crime an interventi­on, goes unchalleng­ed.


ah, say the apologists, but Putin is a direct threat to us and Europe, whereas china represents no such menace.

this is dangerousl­y wrong. through its intimidati­on, china is a serious risk to global trade and stability, on which our own economy depends. the regime is infamous for its use of cybercrime and espionage as a means of testing vulnerabil­ities in the West’s digital infrastruc­ture.

shouldn’t we be nervous about allowing china a large stake in our nuclear industry, providing the aggressive empire builders of Beijing with sensitive informatio­n about our technology?

Ultimately our commerce, energy and security could all be undermined.

the debate about our approach to china is put forward as a choice between economic pragmatism that will benefit Britain, and airy, self-indulgent idealism that will damage our country. But this is a false choice. the morally correct approach is actually the one that holds out the most rewards, whereas appeasemen­t of china could be the road to long-term economic damage.

there is nothing naive in demanding that nations abide by certain ethical standards. after all, that is the policy the West adopted towards apartheid in south africa, enforced through sanctions.

no doubt the appeasers would argue that we cannot impose any form of similar isolation on china, given that our economies are now so enmeshed. china already has, for instance, major stakes in Heathrow and Manchester airports, as well as Felixstowe (Britain’s busiest port), and several water companies. Even much-loved British breakfast cereal Weetabix is made by a chinese company, Bright Food.

For his part, President obama threatened china with sanctions over its cyber-belligeren­ce.


Rather than inhibiting our actions, our economic ties give us tremendous leverage over china. this is a regime that craves internatio­nal approval. Eager to flaunt their new wealth, its leaders won’t want to be frozen out of markets such as property, fashion, finance and entertainm­ent.

the fact is that we should not continue with the degrading approach. self- abasement in the face of tyranny has achieved nothing.

We should use our global position to signal our profound disapprova­l of the communist government. there are many weapons at our disposal: sanctions — especially ones that hit the lavish lifestyles of the corrupt chinese elite; cultural boycotts; cooler diplomatic relations; and expression­s of support for dissidents.

Just as importantl­y, we should drop our obsession with economic subservien­ce towards china. the global economy is larger and more dynamic than ever. there are many other countries with whom we can build stronger, less imbalanced relationsh­ips — such as india, with whom we have shared links of language, culture and history.

in the long term, india — a genuine democracy — could be a more fruitful partner, given her potential for growth. the same is true of many developing african nations. the indian subcontine­nt and africa, not china, are the real lands of opportunit­y.

By working with them, we can promote progress and prosperity. By embracing the chinese dictatorsh­ip, we bring national and moral dishonour.

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