Daily Mail

This puerile act could prompt a stadium ban


REFEREES who are described as ‘weak and naive’ by Jose Mourinho will probably think he is pathetic and childish but they have more sense than to drop to his level. What those comments will definitely not do is affect decision-making — referees will not award Chelsea more or fewer free-kicks or penalties. Referees always go on to the pitch with the desire and intention to be impartial, whatever history exists between them and the players or managers. So what is Mourinho trying to achieve by these actions? If it is merely to wind up the FA, he will fail. If he is baiting his bete noir, Arsene Wenger, he will also fail. And for a winner like him, surely he can see what a futile exercise he is embarking upon. Mourinho likes referees to favour his teams, he wants them to be seen by him as ‘friends’. After Chelsea lost to Liverpool in the 2006 FA Cup semi-final, he told me I could no longer be seen by him as a friend because no friend would allow his team to lose such a match. But referees really do not work against teams, as that would show bias. Luckily for Mourinho, referees are strong and experience­d enough to rise above his puerile acts. The FA, however, might see his act as bringing the game into disrepute and impose the stadium ban that hangs over him. Whatever happens, this incredibly successful manager is in real danger of leaving a legacy of whinger instead of winner and that would be a real travesty.

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