Daily Mail

A long-term Left bias


CURRENT attacks on free speech in universiti­es dominated by Left-wing hate mobs (Mail) are nothing new. Their foundation­s were dug in 1968 when Enoch Powell and his supporters were forbidden admission to some campuses. In succeeding years, Hans Eysenck, Arthur Jensen and William Shockley received similar treatment.

At some institutio­ns now it would be a brave student or member of staff who opposed cutting links with Israeli universiti­es.

David Starkey and Germaine Greer are only the first of the new targets. The number and range of opinions of the ‘ no- platformed’ is likely to increase. The parameters within which discussion is tolerated will shrink. Any eccentric with an axe to grind can jump on the bandwagon and appeal to the Left for backing to smother opposition to his or her beliefs. The ‘causes’ will become ever more ridiculous but more likely to achieve academic recognitio­n.

Universiti­es will move from the rational to the irrational.

Taken in conjunctio­n with the police protection which has to be given in Europe to prominent critics of Islamism, we should fear a widening cultural onslaught as well as bombs and bullets. Our society is being ‘softened up’.

Our assumption that reason should rule is being undermined. History seems to be going into reverse. One of the places blasted by the Paris bombers was the rue Voltaire. Would Voltaire get a hearing on campus today?

MARGAReT BROWN, Burslem, Staffs.

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