Daily Mail

How to avoid a mother-in-law WAR this Xmas

A top psychologi­st’s sanity-saving guide to...

- by Dr Terri Apter Terri Apter’s books, What Do You Want From Me? Learning To Get Along With in-Laws and Difficult Mothers: Understand­ing And Overcoming Their power, are published by W.W. Norton.

SAMMI has worked herself to the point of exhaustion, but the house is perfect: gifts arrayed under a twinkling Christmas tree, holly festooning the fireplace; a fire in the grate.

Then her mother- in- law Joanne sweeps in, cold as a gust of wintry air, and starts to take over. The atmosphere in Sammi’s Oxfordshir­e home changes in an instant.

Sammi’s husband Ben becomes tense and defensive. The children, Gemma, six, and Tim, eight, pick up on the tension and are apprehensi­ve.

Sammi, 39, a lecturer, complains: ‘Joanne takes charge of the kids. She bustles around, telling them: “This is what you should do and say and think and feel at Christmas.” She starts re-arranging the tree decoration­s. She says: “This is where the holly should go,” and, “This is how the presents should be arranged.”

‘I have to get myself out of the room quick, otherwise I’ll scream. I hide away in the kitchen, thankful there’s lots to be getting on with, but suddenly she’s there, too, offering to “help” by telling me how she always does the sprouts and stuffing, because she knows just how Ben likes things.’

We are all familiar with the old jokes about men’s mothers-in-law: that they are shrewish, interferin­g and hypercriti­cal of their daughters’ husbands.

But as a writer and psychologi­st at Cambridge University specialisi­ng in family dynamics, I have heard stories like Sammi’s many times during my research and this has led me to believe the tensions between a son’s mother and her daughter-in-law can be just as toxic, if not more so — particular­ly at this time of year.

Why is this? First, there is the clash of status. At Christmas, wives often find themselves in direct competitio­n with their mothers-in-law, vying to fulfil competing roles as cooks, home-makers and parents. A daughter-in-law is running her own household and, as such, is equal to any woman in the family.

But a mother- in- law’s maternal expertise is already establishe­d and often friction occurs when she expects — and fails to get — deference.

THEN there is the vexed issue of who is closer to the son/ husband, and who knows him better. Marriage changes the bonds of kinship and loyalty in ways that some mothers find cataclysmi­c, making them appear intrusive and controllin­g when, in fact, they are just trying to adjust to no longer having the central female role in their son’s life.

For some, these tensions can end in a clash of wills that causes a permanent rift.

Fiona, 62, is one such a motherin-law, who now finds herself exiled by her son Joe. This makes no sense to Fiona, but for daughter-in-law Birgit the reasons are clear: such a ban is necessary for the well-being of both her and her husband.

‘I’ve tried to make this work, but I knew as soon as I met her that we would have a difficult time,’ Birgit explained when she agreed to meet me for my research.

‘Fiona doesn’t respect boundaries. She’s always giving her opinions. She laughs at my instructio­ns for the children’s diets, and would be out of control at Christmas, insisting that “it’s OK for them to eat as many sweets as they want,” and telling me not to spoil their Christmas.

She buys them things I specifical­ly prohibit in the home: I’m the one who decides when my kid gets a mobile phone, not her, but she won’t accept that.’

Although Joe is torn between the two most significan­t women in his life, it is his wife who, in the end, takes precedence.

‘I understand what Birgit’s on about,’ says Joe, 34. ‘I’ve tried to talk to Mum to sort it out, but it makes not a blind bit of difference. So I no longer speak to my mum. I don’t take her calls, either.

‘But every day I hear her voice inside my head, and there are these scenarios that play in my mind; a fantasy of us coming together and having this wonderful family Christmas.’

Sometimes, however, tension can arise when everyone is trying too hard to be nice. This was described to me by Beth, whom I also interviewe­d for my research.

Beth, 32, a veterinary receptioni­st, told me: ‘My mum-in-law is used to being busy at Christmas, so it must be strange to be a guest in my home. The trouble is she keeps commenting on what I’m doing. It’s praise — “how lovely the table looks. You must have spent hours getting this ready” — but it’s really cloying.

‘She surreptiti­ously takes over, and starts assigning roles to everyone else. “Beth, it’s time you sat down,” and, “Son, you and I will get things ready.” I can take this for one meal, but by Boxing Day morning I just want my own space, my own thoughts, my own rough edges.’

Such tensions can all too easily spill over into the marriage. Counter- intuitivel­y, the more vehemently a son defends his mother, the greater the risk to that mother/son relationsh­ip.

COUPLES may fight between themselves, but we expect our partner to stick up for us when someone else threatens or criticises us.

In many families, this leads to aggressive boundary setting rather than definitive estrangeme­nt — though a permanent rift is, of course, what happened between Fiona and her son Joe.

‘I’ve lost so much, and it breaks my heart,’ Fiona told me. ‘Just because the woman my son chose to marry doesn’t like me, and takes exception to everything I say.’

The mother-in-law/daughter-inlaw impasse is a tragedy, dividing not only woman from woman, but also from son and grandchild­ren.

Yet there are rays of hope: many families testify that Christmas is a classic time for new beginnings, to bury hatchets and start again.

So how should wives and mother-in-law avoid a bust-up this Christmas? here are my rules:


A GENERAL, guiding principle: your daughter-in-law is the top woman in her own home, and needs respect for her way of doing things, and her way of loving your son.

1) Don’t assume she wants your advice or wants to hear: ‘This is what I did so this is what you should do.’

2) Accept your relationsh­ip with your son is different now he is married. You need to find a new way asking for his help and giving him advice that respects his wife’s role.

3) Don’t discipline the children, or give unsolicite­d parenting advice.

4) Don’t try too hard to be nice. excessive politeness can exert its own strains.

5) Don’t criticise your daughterin-law to your son. not only will this provoke anger (‘Why didn’t she tell me to my face?’), it will also make your daughter-in-law resent your son. (‘Why are you bringing this up with me? You’re supposed to be on my side!’).

When there is a problem you want to discuss, it’s better to talk to your son and his wife together.


A GENERAL guiding principle: A mother-in-law is more likely to respect boundaries if she is reassured that she will continue to be a respected and important part of the family, and that you will make an effort to include her in your family’s life. 1) Don’t take offence at little things that aren’t meant personally. When she offers to ‘clean up the mess in the kitchen’ just point to the cleaning materials and ignore the implicatio­n: ‘Your kitchen is a mess.’ 2) If your mother-in-law expresses a view on child-rearing that differs from yours, show respect for her experience while gently making it clear that you want to do things your own way. 3) Don’t expect your mother-inlaw to show as much interest in your news as her son’s. She’s his mother, after all. It really helps if you see it from her point of view. 4) If your mother-in-law is interferin­g, don’t put off talking to her about it. It is much better to start out by setting limits so bad habits don’t become ingrained. 5) remind your husband to show you affection and acknowledg­e your authority in the presence of his mother. Assure him that he’s not being disloyal to his mum in doing so. The long-term message is: ‘It’s a good way to remind her that we are a real couple.’

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