Daily Mail

British teachers ‘obsessed with exam results’

- By Sarah Harris

SCHOOLS in Britain are among the worst in the world for ‘teaching to the test’ because of high levels of social inequality, a study claims.

British teachers drill their pupils to pass tests because of the demand for certain grades to get well-paid jobs.

Britain and the US are the worst culprits as they ‘try to maximise exam results’ amid ‘enormous’ wage differenti­als in the labour market, the Oxford University study found.

Researcher­s examined the 25 wealthiest countries in the developed world and compared the maths, literacy and problem-solving scores of 15-year-olds with those of 16 to 24-year-olds.

They looked at the correlatio­n between a country’s economic inequality and its scores in internatio­nal tests using data from the Programme for Internatio­nal Student assessment (Pisa) and the Survey of adult Skills, which are both administer­ed by the Organisati­on for Economic Co-operation and developmen­t (OECd).

In Britain, which has high levels of income inequality, 15-year-olds performed close to average for maths, literacy and problem- solving. But performanc­e dropped significan­tly among 16 to 24-year-olds. This suggested that learning ahead of exams had been superficia­l, the study found.

The countries that did best also had good Pisa results, including Finland, South Korea and Japan. But overall, the findings revealed that the greater the gap between rich and poor, the higher the chance of young people forgetting what they had learned.

Lead researcher danny dorling, a geography professor at Oxford University, told the Times Educationa­l Supplement that in more competitiv­e

‘Pressure to achieve certain grades’

societies, exam results mattered ‘far more’ so there was more pressure to achieve certain grades.

The findings suggest that UK schools focus on short-term knowledge acquisitio­n to help pupils to pass tests and this knowledge is quickly forgotten, he added.

Professor dorling said: ‘In more competitiv­e societies, such as the US and UK, exam results matter far more. So the pressure from parents and from schools to get children a C grade rather than a d, or an a* rather than an a is very large.

‘In both these countries people try to maximise exam results because young people are entering a labour market where they are going to be paid enormous difference­s between the minimum wage and the top end.’

Professor dorling said: ‘If we had a situation like Japan, where the most disadvanta­ged people are paid twice as much (as the UK) and you can actually live off a job as a cleaner, parents wouldn’t be so worried about exam results.

‘Parents here are, probably rightly, paranoid about exam results because they mean so much.’

dr Mary Bousted, general secretary of the associatio­n of Teachers and Lecturers, said students in England were among the most tested in the world. She said: ‘We should be focusing on lifelong learning. Instead, we forget what we are taught and we have low take-up of education and training after compulsory schooling, which massively affects our productivi­ty as a country.’

a department for Education spokesman said: ‘This government has reduced the number of tests children take – for example, by scrapping modules and January assessment­s as part of our reforms to GCSEs and a-levels – and is making sure they are only tested when they are truly ready.’

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