Daily Mail

Why BT really gets under all our skins

- By James Coney

POOR old John Petter, consumer chief executive of BT. This is the second time he has personally collected our Wooden Spoon award.

Though it must be utterly embarrassi­ng, at least he has the courage to face the criticism from his customers and take responsibi­lity for his company’s failure.

We get a steady stream of letters about BT, and through the year we’ve run a number of stories about readers who have had some pretty dreadful problems with the firm.

But I’m actually a little surprised that it ‘won’. In all our other Wooden Spoon awards, it is usually a catastroph­ic customer service meltdown that has led a company to pick up this most unwanted of gongs.

For that reason, I expected it to be TalkTalk (whose handling of the hacking scandal was appalling) or HMRC (who annoyed thousands of you with their consistent inability to pick up the phone and managed to turn claiming the new Married Couples Allowance into a fiasco). I wouldn’t have been surprised if Scottish Power had won for a second year running, as complaints still pour in about them.

But it seems BT really just gets under your skin in a way that no other firm does. You’ve clearly been messed around by its call centre staff too much, spent too long on hold and waited around far too long for engineers.

It turns out the scale of its problems two years ago when it last won were greater than we and it realised.

But I’m quietly confident that BT can change its ways. It’s heading in the right direction. Rarely have we seen such immediate and positive steps to change the tide.

Bringing back call centre staff from overseas to the UK will be a great improvemen­t for many of its customers, who get sick of discussing their problems with someone they can barely hear or understand.

I’m also sure they’ve learned a lesson from the way they treated BT Sports customers, who enjoyed a free service, only to discover they were going to be charged.

John Petter is clearly a workaholic. He’s going to need all his energy to get service at this giant firm back on track.

Identity trap

WHILE the growth of online banking has continued at great pace, there are areas where banks just don’t seem to have caught up.

last week, Mrs C popped into our local branch of Santander to ask for a new online banking password. She was told: ‘ No problem. It’ l l be with you in two weeks.’ TWO WEEKS! Are they writing it by hand and posting it from the Galapagos Islands? Is it possible in this age of internet banking that a bank can leave someone unable to access their account online for 14 days?

This isn’t the first time I’ve had such nonsense from Santander. When I took a mortgage with them a few years ago, the only way I could pay was by cheque.

But Santander is not alone in this respect. When it comes to checking your identity, banks will often only accept actual paper bills for your energy or credit card, for instance. Or if you want a mortgage, they only accept paper bank statements.

You can’t just print out the statements from your online accounts, you have to provide the originals. And for this, there is often a fee.

So if, like me, you run all your accounts online (doing the banks a favour, as it cuts down on their postage costs), then every time you need to prove your identity to take a home loan, you need to pay to have duplicate statements sent to you.

About the only original document I get sent in the post is tax letters from HMRC. But that is all likely to change soon, too, because everyone is to be given an online account.

Really, you shouldn’t have to provide physical evidence in the form of paper bills to show you still live where you say you live. All of this informatio­n is held online. It’s in your credit file.

There needs to be some joinedup thinking here. If banks allow us to go online, they really can’t keep expecting us to produce paper bills to prove our identity.

Fraud alert

LAST week, I was critical of the work the banks were doing to combat fraud. I thought that they needed a TV advertisin­g campaign to get the message home to us all. Hey presto, Barclays has come up trumps. From Monday, a 30-second advert hits our screens warning of the dangers of conmen who call pretending to be bank staff. It’s simple, chilling and strikes a nerve. Barclays is doing the industry a very important service. The banking sector really needs a champion who is prepared to get its rivals into line and do the right thing by its customers.

With this advert, Barclays is taking a great stride to doing that.


It’s a fact! The first British lottery took place near St Paul’s Cathedral in London in 1569. The prizes were plates, tapestry and money

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