Daily Mail

And the band plays on


NIGEL KENNEDY’s assertion that orchestral conductors are mere ‘ stage dressing’ who should be consigned to history (mail) would probably meet the agreement of many newer and younger players.

Having played in many bands over the past 48 years, I’ve found it quite an art to watch the one at the front.

Years ago, I studied at the Royal military school of music, in Kneller Hall, and we players were entertaine­d by ‘newbie’ conductors being put through their paces on the rostrum before they became bandmaster­s.

some were naturals, others more like mr Bean conducting the salvation Army band. Having played clarinet for many years in the front row and then at the rear in the trombone section, I learned the trick of fixating on the music while occasional­ly being distracted by twitching at the front.

Kneller Hall is to be sold off for housing — no doubt another nail in the conductor’s coffin.

NICK TURRILL, Whitchurch, Hants.

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