Daily Mail

What police cutbacks? Force spends £600... on new mirrors

- By Chris Brooke

A CHIEF constable has spent almost £600 on mirrors so that officers will look smarter when they meet the public.

A total of 55 mirrors have been put up in Northumbri­a Police stations to help instil ‘a sense of pride’ in the job.

But the decision at a time of tough spending decisions and job cuts has been criticised as promoting ‘image over substance’ and irrelevant to combating crime.

The mirrors each cost £10.83, measure 47inx12in and cost £595 in total last November. Both officers and civilian staff are expected to use them to ensure they look their best while on duty.

Details were released under the Freedom of Informatio­n Act, which has exposed numerous examples of wasteful spending but is under threat from the Government.

Confirming details of the mirror spending, a spokesman said: ‘They are there to reinforce police officer and police staff standards and a sense of pride in policing and to remind them to be proud to protect, to serve and to make a positive difference to the communitie­s they work within.’ But Jonathan Isaby, chief executive of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: ‘Taxpayers will be gobsmacked to learn the police have needlessly wasted their cash on 55 mirrors ... Those in charge have to make sure that every penny is spent on policing and not on image conscious purchases.’

Two years ago Northumbri­a Police announced it planned to cut 430 jobs and close stations to save £46million by 2017.

Last summer it was revealed the force had cut officer numbers by 16 per cent since 2010.

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