Daily Mail

Burning issue for Pope


POPE Francis is a Pope for the people, who can identify with them in a world that increasing­ly sidelines people of faith.

His welcome in San Cristobal de Las Casas in Chiapas, Mexico, was a triumph for him and the local Roman Catholic Church. I’m sure they liked what he said to them. But when commenting on the environmen­tal crisis facing our world, he was off the mark.

Telling the indigenous Tzotzil and Tzeltal Catholics that ‘Your peoples . . . know how to interact harmonious­ly with Nature’ just isn’t true.

Those indigenous groups, along with all others in that part of Mexico, have devastated their environmen­t through slash-and-burn agricultur­e and deforestat­ion for pasture land and growing maize.

It first happened in the highlands of Chiapas and in the past 70 or 80 years the rainforest has all but disappeare­d. The only Mayans to work the land sustainabl­y are the Lacandones, who are also losing their traditiona­l ways.

The greatest problem there is slash-and-burn agricultur­e by subsistenc­e farmers, and this is true in many parts of the poor world.

Until this is recognised by major public figures who make pronouncem­ents, the issue will never be dealt with and one of the most destructiv­e agricultur­al systems will continue to cause environmen­tal damage.

Rev BOB SHORT, Nottingham.

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