Daily Mail

A most amoral PM


ToDAY we begin serialisin­g a devastatin­g book on arguably the most amoral politician ever to hold the keys to No 10.

Written by distinguis­hed investigat­ive reporter Tom Bower, the first instalment focuses on how Tony Blair wilfully encouraged mass immigratio­n on a historic scale, changing laws and procedures to boost numbers.

Deaf to the concerns of a public he systematic­ally deceived, he showed no interest in integratin­g migrants into British society, while actively welcoming fraudulent asylum claimants.

Thus he changed the make-up of this country beyond recognitio­n, while displacing 23 British workers for every 100 foreign jobseekers he welcomed.

Next week, we will publish Bower’s analysis of how Blair deceived his Cabinet, Parliament and the country in his determinat­ion to invade Iraq.

Meanwhile, disgusting­ly, he endangered British troops by keeping his invasion plan secret even from the logistics chief in charge of supplying them with body armour and other equipment. Some would later die because of the lack of it.

But then Blair, a self-professed Christian, never let such things worry him.

Particular­ly sickening are Bower’s revelation­s about Blair’s grotesque dealings with some of the most egregious, mass-murdering dictators in his greed to enrich himself since he left office.

Above all, this important book raises profound questions about a British constituti­on that allowed so much power to go, unchecked, to one vain, avaricious and viscerally dishonest self-aggrandise­r. Everybody ( particular­ly Sir John Chilcot) should read our serialisat­ion and ask why this was allowed to happen – and how to stop it happening again.

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