Daily Mail

No wonder they can’t see straight over the EU . . .

- By Larisa Brown in Hanover and John Stevens in Brussels

IT’S the latest hi-tech invention that gives wearers an altered view of reality.

Euroscepti­c critics, however, will no doubt claim that neither Barack Obama nor Angela Merkel need gadgets to help them see things differentl­y.

The leaders, both strong supporters of the EU, posed with the virtual reality goggles yesterday during a flying visit to Germany by the US president.

But following a speech, Mr Obama flew straight into a row over migration. He faced criticism after praising the German chancellor for being on the ‘right side of history’ for her open-door border policy.

Mrs Merkel has faced anger in Germany over her liberal stance after 1.1million asylum seekers arrived there last year.

But speaking in the northern city of Hanover, Mr Obama said she had ‘demonstrat­ed real political and moral leadership’ in letting migrants in.

MPs last night said the US leader was ‘completely wrong’ and Mrs Merkel’s move to roll out the red carpet for migrants was the ‘worst decision’ made by a German leader for decades. Tory MP Peter Bone said: ‘The president doesn’t understand the situation.

‘What she did was encourage people to make the deadly crossing and it was probably one of the worst decisions a German chancellor has made since the end of the Second World War. I think he is completely wrong.’

Tory MEP David Campbell Bannerman said: ‘Throwing open Europe’s door was a disastrous mistake and is unleashing the very dangerous and divisive forces he condemns.

‘Obama’s political judgment is clearly well off track – both on Brexit and mass EU migration. He is part of an inward-looking dysfunctio­nal political bubble who are more interested in scratching each other’s back than listening to the people.’ Ukip deputy leader Paul Nuttall said he was a ‘lame duck’ president who ‘should have stayed at home’.

Mr Obama flew to Germany after visiting the UK where he controvers­ially urged Britons to vote to stay in the EU.

In Hanover he visited a trade fair to view the latest inventions, including the virtual reality goggles – which enable the wearer to move around in a simulated 3-D world.

A student group apologised last night after appearing to withdraw a speaking invitation to Boris Johnson after he referred to Barack Obama as ‘part-Kenyan’. Leaders of the group at King’s College London called the row a ‘misunderst­anding’ and said the London mayor’s invite still stood.

 ??  ?? Glimpse of the future? Barack Obama also gives the invention a whirl during his flying visit
Glimpse of the future? Barack Obama also gives the invention a whirl during his flying visit
 ??  ?? Eye-to-eye: Mrs Merkel tries out the virtual reality camera at a trade fair in Hanover yesterday
Eye-to-eye: Mrs Merkel tries out the virtual reality camera at a trade fair in Hanover yesterday

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