Daily Mail

microscope Under the

- INTERVIEW by YORK MEMBERY Eddie ‘The Eagle’ Edwards, 52, answers our health quiz

CAN YOU RUN UP THE STAIRS? YES. There are four flights of stairs in my house and I can run up to the top floor easily. I’m pretty fit. I walk 40 miles a week, go jive dancing and swim. Every winter I ski at Gloucester Ski Centre whenever possible. GET YOUR FIVE A DAY? I EAT lots of bananas, oranges and satsumas. I don’t eat so many vegetables, but I’m pretty sure I still get my five a day. EVER DIETED? NO. I’M 5 ft 8 in and weigh about 10½ stone (67kg). I lost almost three stone (20kg) from the stress of divorce and never put it back on. Some people say I’m a bit too slim. ANY VICES? I EAT a bar of chocolate and one or two cakes — Chelsea buns, iced buns and fruit cake — most days. Dessert-wise, I love sticky toffee pudding, bread and butter pudding, apple crumble, ice cream and custard . . . but I’m pretty active, so don’t worry about what I eat. WORST ILLNESS/INJURY? BREAKING my neck and back at 17 — I collided with someone while skiing and then hit a tree. I was in traction for two weeks, but was back skiing within two months. I’ve broken my jaw, collarbone, ribs, fingers, thumbs and leg — from skiing and working on a building site (I was a builder before the Calgary Olympics and still do building jobs for family and friends). But I haven’t broken anything since the Eighties. POP ANY PILLS? VITAMIN D in the winter — it seems to help me avoid colds. In the summer, I get outside as much as I can. HAD ANYTHING REMOVED? BITS of my jaw were taken out when I had it realigned in 1995. I had an awkward bite and the only way to correct it was by breaking my top jaw and bringing it out, and breaking my bottom jaw and bringing it in. They were wired together for five weeks. I lived on milkshakes. HEALTH BOOK THAT’S CHANGED YOUR LIFE? YOUR Water Body’sby FereydoonM­any Cries Batmanghel­idj,For about claims the drinking effect moreof dehydratio­n.water can It help with diabetes and asthma among other things. It made me realise how little I drank. Now I drink about ten pints a day. COPE WELL WITH PAIN? I HATE being in pain, but I haven’t taken a headache pill for 20 years. TRIED ALTERNATIV­E MEDICINE? I TRIED acupunctur­e in the mid-Eighties after tearing a ligament in my knee in Germany. Doctors repaired it in Britain days later. I had acupunctur­e the next week to help the tendon heal properly and I think it helped. EVER BEEN DEPRESSED? ONLY during my divorce last year. Thankfully, I’m more or less over it. If I ever feel a bit low, I go for a walk or do something sporty. HANGOVER CURE? I’VE only ever been drunk twice — when I was 16, and about three years ago on a few glasses of schnapps after skiing. BIGGEST PHOBIA? THEis women!only thing that really scares me

now. EDDIEFor newsThe Eagle about is Eddie,at cinemasvis­it eddie-the-eagle.co.uk.

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