Daily Mail

Dumb dictum


THERE’S an old saying that ‘the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak’ and the older you get, the more that is the case. I go to bed at night telling myself the next day will be a really industriou­s one: I’ll clean the house from top to bottom, do the washing and ironing, tidy the garden — there’s no end to my resolution. But in the morning it’s a different matter.

My first effort is to get out of bed and get the body mobile. I have a cup of tea and go back upstairs to get my plans under way — but some days the stairs feel like Mount Everest, so maybe I’ll leave cleaning the bedroom until another day.

Eventually, jobs get done halfhearte­dly, and I’m off to the shops, where I’ve every chance of meeting someone who, in conversati­on, will say: ‘If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.’ How I hate those words because it doesn’t always work like that.

I was a sporty girl, hurdled for my school and played in all the team games. I was never a layabout teenager and worked all my life, taking very little time off to have three children. I walked up and down behind counters for the best part of 55 years. Working in a plant nursery/greengroce­rs, I threw bags of compost and sacks of potatoes around like 2lb bags of sugar. On semi-retirement I would drive down to my local seafront and walk from one end to the other.

Now my poor old back and hips are wearing out, and I find it a struggle to walk any distance at all. I don’t want a medal for doing what I’ve done; I know there are thousands of others who have done the same.

But please don’t tell me ‘If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it’ because — guess what? — I used it and I lost it.

Mrs RoSE BEER, Sandwich, Kent.

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