Daily Mail

The dastardly Mr Deedes

- Have you any gossip for our City diary? Email: mrdeedes@dailymail.co.uk

MORE on BHS buffoon Dominic Chappell, whose acquisitio­n of the ailing department store appears to have consigned it to the knackers’ yard. Not long ago, the twice-bankrupt former racing driver, 49, wanted to purchase an acquaintan­ce’s lavish home near Dorchester. Not just the property (which came with tennis court, swimming pool etc) but also its contents – from its beautiful Steinway piano, its first edition Thomas Hardys, right down to the silver candelabra. A price just north of £2m was agreed, hands were shaken. Two weeks later, Chappell admitted that he’d been unable to raise the necessary funds. Says my source: ‘Dom’s not the sort of person you’d want to share a bottle of water with crossing the Sahara.’

RE Surrey-born Chappell, there is confusion as to how to pronounce his surname. Sensible folk assume it’s the same as the legendary Aussie cricketers Ian and Greg – i.e. like the place of worship. But a call to his voicemail reveals fun-loving Dominic prefers the more exotic ‘Sharp-elle’. BHS workers call him something far fruitier.

Ruddy-faced tycoon Philip Day, owner of Scots-based retailer Edinburgh Woollen Mill, is mooted as a potential white knight for BHS. Any skeletons? None that I’m aware of, but there’s one potential PR banana skin: like Big Phil, I’m told the publicity-shy billionair­e, 50, has just taken delivery of a sparkling new gin palace in southern Spain.

Deutsche Bank’s shifty-looking boss Juergen Fitschen says he wants to wrap up the bank’s various legal disputes, ranging from price fixing to rigging interest rates, by the end of the year. Cost of litigation thus far? £10bn. ‘We have to avoid such proceeding­s in the future,’ unsmiling Fitschen, 67, remarks breezily. The German bank announced last year it was slashing 9,000 workers. But it still maintains an art collection worth £400m. Another world, isn’t it?

Former World Bank economist-turned eminent commentato­r, Martin Wolf, backs George osborne in railing against a Brexit. This marks uncharted waters. oxford-educated Wolf, 69, barely has a kind word to say about the chancellor. Precious George moans to Treasury officials that he’s got it in for him.

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