Daily Mail

I’m victim of sexism says Game of Thrones hunk

- By Izzy Ferris

WITH his muscular physique and flowing locks Kit Harington has quickly become a heart-throb.

But the actor has complained that he and other male TV and film stars are now suffering ‘demeaning’ sexism similar to what their female counterpar­ts have long endured.

The 29-year-old British star said he is fed up with constant questions about his hair, six-pack and love life.

Harington rose to fame playing enigmatic hardman Jon Snow in the award-winning television series Game of Thrones.

But he has admitted he fears being typecast as just a ‘head of hair or a set of looks’ and has asked his aides to find new roles that will ‘test’ him, telling them that he does not want to be pigeon-holed as a swordwield­ing hunk.

He told the Sunday Times magazine: ‘I think there is a double standard. If you said to a girl, “Do you like being called a babe?”, and she said “No, not really,” she’d be absolutely right.

‘I like to think of myself as more than a head of hair or a set of looks. It’s demeaning. Yes, in some ways you could argue I’ve been employed for a look I have. But there’s a sexism that happens towards men.’

In Game of Thrones, his character has been involved in a sex scene and was even shown naked, and he has also posed for photoshoot­s, some of which were topless.

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