Daily Mail


Boris and Gove: We’ll bring in tough Australian style points system to slash arrivals from EU

- By Jason Groves Deputy Political Editor

BREXIT would pave the way for an immigratio­n revolution to slash numbers arriving from the EU, leading Out campaigner­s pledge today.

Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and Priti Patel say they will insist on a tough Australian-style points system to finally meet the Tory pledge to cut net immigratio­n to below 100,000.

In a statement they attack David Cameron’s dismal record on the issue, warning that Britain’s EU membership means we ‘don’t have control’ over who comes here.

Instead, they promise that if the country votes Leave on June 23, they will push for a points-based immigratio­n scheme by 2020.

Migrants could settle here only if they have skills needed by the economy. It would mean a ban on jobless arrivals from the EU – something originally promised by the Prime Minister, but thwarted by Brussels.

‘If we implement these principles, for the first time in a generation it will be possible for politician­s to keep their promises on immigratio­n,’ the statement says. In other developmen­ts in the Brexit debate:

Former Treasury minister Andrea Leadsom warns in the Daily Mail that George Osborne’s national living wage is a ‘huge draw’ for migrants that is fuelling

‘uncontroll­ed immigratio­n’ from within the EU;

Two polls suggested the Leave campaign has moved ahead of the Remain side;

It emerged a new fleet of border patrol vessels will not be fully in place until 2018, with ministers also facing criticism for axing a deal for spy planes to help spot illegal immigrants;

CCTV images from Dymchurch, Kent, suggested the coastal resort is now a gateway for people-smugglers;

Pro-Brexit Cabinet minister Chris Grayling warned there was a danger the Channel could take over from the Mediterran­ean as the focus of the migrant crisis;

Mr Gove and Mr Johnson said Brexit would allow the Government to scrap VAT on fuel, cutting £2billion from bills.

The Out campaigner­s’ statement today says: ‘The automatic right of all EU citizens to come and live and work in the UK will end, as will EU control over vital aspects of our social security system.’

They add: ‘Those seeking entry for work or study should be admitted on the basis of their skills without discrimina­tion on

Migration factor boosts Brexit – Page 12

If we implement these principles, for the first time in a generation it will be possible for politician­s to keep their promises on immigratio­n Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Priti Patel and Gisela Stuart

the ground of nationalit­y … economic migrants will have to be suitable for the job in question. For relevant jobs, we will be able to ensure that all those who come have the ability to speak good English.

‘Such a system can be much less bureaucrat­ic and much simpler than the existing system for non-EU citizens.’

The initiative is the clearest sign yet that Mr Johnson, Mr Gove and Miss Patel are drawing up an alternativ­e programme for government in the event of a Leave vote – suggesting they believe Mr Cameron would have to accept their agenda if he continued as PM. A source close to the three senior Tories last night said the aim of the new system would be to cut net migration from 333,000 a year ‘to the tens of thousands’.

Immigratio­n has dominated the referendum debate since last week, when official figures confirmed Mr Cameron has no chance of hitting his target to reduce numbers below 100,000 while in the EU.

The Office for National Statistics figures showed the number of EU migrants coming to Britain under freedom of movement rules hit 270,000 last year. They included a record 77,000 who came without a job offer, despite a pledge by the Prime Minister to outlaw the practice.

Net EU migration – taking into account the number of EU citizens who left the UK – stood at 184,000. Overall net migration, including arrivals from outside the EU, was 333,000 in the year to December – the second highest figure on record.

At present, Britain is powerless to stop EU migrants travelling here to work, except when they are deemed a threat.

Under Brexit supporters’ proposals, all budding migrants would have to apply for a visa, and only those who meet strict skills criteria – including a good command of English – would be allowed to come here to work. Sources said that, as in Australia, the total would be limited by an annual cap.

Existing EU migrants who have settled here would be allowed to stay. Irish citizens would not be affected. The Out cam- paigners say Brexit would also enable a change in the law to allow criminals and extremists to be deported to the EU.

Mr Johnson, Mr Gove, employment minister Miss Patel and senior Labour MP Gisela Stuart say the UK cannot cope with net immigratio­n from the EU on the current scale, which adds a population equivalent to Oxford’s each year.

‘This puts particular strain on public services,’ they say. ‘Class sizes will rise and waiting lists will lengthen if we don’t tackle free movement. As the euro crisis continues, more people from southern Europe will want to escape unemployme­nt and austerity in their countries by coming to the UK. Their arrival will put further strain on schools and hospitals.’

The statement adds: ‘It was Government policy that “EU migrants should have a job offer before they come here”. The Government failed to achieve this during the renegotiat­ion of our membership.’

On BBC Two’s Britain And Europe: For Richer Or Poorer? last night, Mr Johnson claimed the referendum was a struggle between normal people who want to ‘take back control’ and an elite that ‘does very well’ out of the EU.

Today’s pledge is likely to unnerve Mr Cameron and Mr Osborne, who are keen to move the debate on from migration.

Comment – Page 14

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