Daily Mail

Tories’ bid to sink fraud inquiry into election spending

- By Richard Pendlebury

A TORY MP and his agent will today mount an extraordin­ary legal bid to block a police inquiry into allegation­s of electoral misconduct that were raised by a Daily Mail investigat­ion.

Craig Mackinlay, who defeated Ukip leader Nigel Farage in Thanet South last May, will attempt to stop Kent Police being given more time to look at possible criminal acts.

The force last week applied for an extension to the 12-month statutory limit for investigat­ing potential breaches of the Representa­tion of the People Act in last year’s General Election – offences that could carry a jail term.

A joint investigat­ion by this newspaper and Channel 4 News had shown the cost of dozens of hotel rooms used by Tory officials and activists in the constituen­cy had not been declared on Mr Mackinlay’s spending returns, but on the party’s national spending returns instead.

Each candidate has a legal limit for expenditur­e and their agent is also legally responsibl­e for signing off election returns.

The MP and agent Nathan Gray were represente­d last week at a closed hearing in Folkestone by James Laddie QC, a barrister from Matrix Chambers in London. The hearing was adjourned until today when Kent Police will again apply for an extension.

The Mail understand­s Mr Laddie will argue there has been undue delay in the investigat­ion

‘Part of national expenses’

and there are no exceptiona­l circumstan­ces to justify extension.

The Mail and Channel 4 News are instructin­g a barrister who will argue that, in the public interest, today’s hearing should take place in open court. Mr Mackinlay has declined opportu- nities to comment to the Mail.

Mr Gray – a prodigious user of social media who has posted on Twitter a picture of himself outside No 10 – has also declined to discuss almost 100 nights at the Royal Harbour Hotel in Ramsgate which the Tories booked during his campaign, nor other rooms that failed to appear on the candidate spending returns.

Last week David Cameron publicly conceded for the first time that his party may have ‘misdeclare­d’ or ‘left out’ vital General Election expenses.

However, it is unclear whether it was a calamitous ‘administra­tive error’ – the party’s excuse – or something more serious.

The Mail and Channel 4 initially revealed how tens of thousands of pounds of hotel accommodat­ion for officials and activists had gone undeclared as local candidate expenditur­e in three crucial by- elections in 2014 and the Thanet South fight last year.

Since then, our investigat­ions have uncovered a further 29 key marginal constituen­cies in the General Election in which some £38,000 of accommodat­ion for visiting Tory ‘ Battlebus’ activists went undeclared.

Informatio­n for constituen­cy parties said the Battlebus ‘had the full financial, organisati­onal and practical support’ of Tory campaign HQ, as well as ‘the personal sponsorshi­p of the party chairman, Grant Shapps… and [chief fundraiser] Lord Feldman’.

Twelve forces have sought or indicated they will seek an extension to the statutory limit, with ten of them already investigat­ing.

Last month minister Anna Soubry sought to shift blame to campaign HQ. In a blog she wrote: ‘ The Conservati­ve Party made it very clear to me and my agent, Cllr Richard Jackson, that the cost of the Battle Bus trip to Broxtowe was part of the national expenses and did not form part of my local expenses.’

 ??  ?? Did Dave’s chum Lord Crony break the law in a frantic bid to thwart Ukip? From the Mail, March 11 Tories are dragged to court in storm over election expenses The Mail, May 13
Did Dave’s chum Lord Crony break the law in a frantic bid to thwart Ukip? From the Mail, March 11 Tories are dragged to court in storm over election expenses The Mail, May 13

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