Daily Mail

Want to be a supermum like Myleene? Just put on a bikini


After the debacle of top Gear’s relaunch with Chris evans at the weekend, you can expect a frenzy of efforts to shore up the show — f1 drivers dropping by, budget splurges on foreign jaunts, fanfare visits from Matt LeBlanc’s Hollywood friends . . .or even his friends.

One thing you won’t see is former M&S model Myleene Klass as the glamorous new presenter. She proved in Single Mums On Benefits (ItV) that she can’t master the crucial top Gear technique of talking while changing gear — in fact, she can barely drive at all.

Lurching through morning traffic while she interviewe­d Welsh motherof-three rhiannon, Myleene was waving her hands around, and looking anywhere but the road.

She seemed to drift out of her lane as another driver drew alongside, horn blazing.

Myleene held up her hands to apologise, tried to wave to the car behind as well, and appeared to blunder straight over a junction. this one- off documentar­y was trying to change our preconcept­ions about single mothers, but it didn’t do much for stereotype­s about women drivers.

It certainly didn’t alter anybody’s ideas about Myleene Klass. She opened with some home video of her and her two daughters — Myleene in a bikini in the paddling pool, Myleene swimming in a bikini, Myleene sun- bathing in a bikini. She’s mostly famous, if you haven’t guessed, for wearing a bikini on a reality show.

After every ad break, we saw her being a celebrity supermum, at work or at home. She had a little cry about how tough life could be, but made it plain that no broken marriages were going to hold her back. the subtext was: if Myleene can be this wonderful, why can’t every mum?

In fact, as a spot- check in a shopping precinct revealed, a great many can. Just about every woman Myleene stopped was either a single mum, or the daughter of one.

But if Myleene had taken their word for it, she wouldn’t have had a show, so she set off to meet someone who was a shamelessl­y Bad Mum — Birmingham mother-of-eight Marie, who is bringing up her brood at the public’s expense.

‘Benefits is a very easy option,’ Marie declared. ‘You have your baby and send off the form.’ Marie’s great fear is that Government cuts mean the free money will dry up, and then her grandchild­ren won’t have anything to live on. It’s reassuring to know that even feckless scroungers worry about the future.

We learned nothing about what possessed this unmarried woman to have so many children. Myleene’s idea of a tough question was: ‘Is this your youngest?’

She was just as gentle with the teenage mums, and the IVf mother who had gone-it-alone in her 30s. their interviews were vaguely uninformat­ive. But we did discover that Myleene is very good at plaiting little girls’ hair, so that was lovely.

Being a supermum is a doddle,

compared to becoming a celebrity sex object in your 60s, as famehungry Jane Buckle, 62, was finding out on Party Pensioners:

Sex, Drugs And Bingo (C5). Jane’s ambition was to be ‘ as famous as Beyoncé, the most famous person on the planet,’ by doing erotic dances and rapping in the pubs around Hungerford, Berkshire. So far, this plan was not working too well, despite the routine with the whip and the rubber snake.

‘Being a wannabe is a hard life,’ she pouted, before posing for the cameras with her ankles wrapped round the back of her head.

But there was hope. Stripper Lynn was 20 years older than Jane, and getting work as a burlesque performer in London’s gay clubs. With a fluffy bunny tail on her bottom and not much else, she whirled her tassels at the boys — the act went down a storm.

But when Lynn, 82, isn’t on stage, the world ignores her. ‘I’m just a little old lady who talks dirty,’ she sighed. Getting service at a shop counter could be impossible — assistants seemed to look right through her. Bet they’d notice if she was wearing her bunny tail.

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