Daily Mail

Rash spreads quickly

- c.sale@dailymail.co.uk and twitter.com/charliesal­e

EVEN before Marcus Rashford was named in England manager Roy Hodgson’s 23- strong squad for Euro 2016, he was the subject of an intriguing market by spread-betters Sporting Index. They predict Rashford playing 70-73 minutes in France, but it could be a lot more.

Sporting Index launched their Euro bets in lille yesterday, the genteel French city where police will be directing what could be hundreds of thousands of England and Wales fans to watch their group b match if they haven’t got tickets for the game in lens, which lacks facilities. lille showed no signs yesterday of knowing anything about what is to hit it.

INDEPENDEN­T FA director Roger Devlin can’t do worse with his own cinema project than Sepp Blatter’s FIFA vanity film, United Passions, which was a £20m flop. Breaking The Bank, a romantic comedy about a struggling family-run bank, has been written and co-produced by City financier Devlin and is on general release from Friday. Unlike Blatter, who used FIFA cash, Devlin self-financed his film rather than raid FA coffers. SHENANIGAN­S at FIFA under the supposed new broom of gianni Infantino go from bad to worse. legal chief Marco Villiger has been promoted to deputy secretary-general, having engineered Infantino’s coup of hire-and-fire control of the independen­t committees which led to the resignatio­n of audit president Domenico Scala.

Infantino had first tried to get the FIFA council to sack Scala — who had only offered the president a £1.3m-a-year salary — with only England’s David gill objecting. according to leaked minutes, gill said: ‘ We can’t dismiss people without a piece of paper and facts. It’s an unbelievab­le situation.’

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