Daily Mail

Was MP right to call ‘old, white men’ a problem?


I AM not a one-legged Albanian murderer living off the state, but Labour MP Pat Glass has told me who I am: she says I’m an old, white, racist bigot who should be completely ignored. Thanks, Pat. Steve Kellett, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria.

PAT GLASS is having problems with old, white men (Mail)? Yes, Jeremy Corbyn is 67 and John McDonnell will never see 64 again. LeS Fixter, Bridlingto­n, Yorks.

AS A retired officer of the RAF Volunteer Reserve (Training Branch) and a former Justice of the Peace (also an ‘older white man’ and a grandfathe­r), I resent the disgusting comments of the Member for NorthWest Durham. She was elected to serve the people of the UK, not to discrimina­te against us. How dare she refer to older men as a problem. Like all older men, I am educated to a standard where I can decide for myself the pros and cons of remaining in or leaving the EU. Everyone’s vote counts in a democracy, after all. How does the Labour Party expect to earn the respect of British people when a taxpayer-funded MP not only referred recently to a voter as

‘a horrible racist’ (for which she later apologised), but is now also making remarks about ‘older white men’? Is this also a racist remark? Flight Lieutenant Alan Davis (retd), Stockport, Cheshire.

IT TOOK me aback when I heard Pat Glass’s comments. Could she have got away with saying: ‘Don’t listen to them, they are only young, black women’? Of course not! But in a funny way, she might be right. It is the young for whom the referendum vote will matter. They are the ones who will have to live with the choice we make. LeN Bennett, manchester.

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