Daily Mail

My lover’s cold and cruel, but I just can’t let him go


Please do not throw in the idea of suicide halfway down a letter, I beg you, because it is too huge and terrible to be contained in one sentence.

If you feel in danger of a breakdown (having already seen your GP, as you explain in your uncut email) you need to address this urgently. You should go back to the GP and discuss what counsellin­g is available on the NHs to help you through this.

If suddenly afflicted by despair, you should not hesitate to call the samaritans (116 123). and please fix the thought of your two children at the very front of your mind as you read on. I can imagine how your mood swings and anxiety over the affair are affecting your behaviour at home. They do not deserve that.

Whatever the state of your marriage, you say you still love the partner who is ‘a good dad’. You need to focus on that, too — and, frankly, although I know all about the obsessive nature of illicit passion, you must consider the consequenc­es of ending your relationsh­ip for the sake of a man who is unlikely ever to make you the slightest bit happy.

surely your head knows that you and he will never share a proper life? look at the

evidence. Nothing in your uncut email tells me you have a chance of this love affair developing into anything else but a source of misery for everybody.

You say you ‘love him so much’. Well OK, I’ve been there and done that and can assure you it passes in time. Always.

You’ve had just six months with Lover; the only way forward is to end the relationsh­ip, before it drags you all into a pit darker and more frightenin­g than anything experience­d so far. You have a perfectly good life (yes, you do) with the hardworkin­g father of your children, but it lacks passion.

Well, you don’t have any passion with the lover either, by the sound of it, just not enough sex and the ups and downs of your acute neediness.

From where I’m standing, you’re doomed to continue being used until the day his scary wife finds out or he just gets fed up with your moods and demands as well as all of the exhausting subterfuge. I know you think it’s easy for me to write ‘end the relationsh­ip’ — but what’s the alternativ­e?

You say Lover is ‘ controllin­g’ (actually he sounds pretty awful) so perhaps it’s time for you to surprise yourself by taking control.

Put very simply (sometimes we do need to boil down complex feelings thus), you say you love your children ‘so much’ and Lover ‘so much’. Well those two feelings are not compatible. The tension between the two loves is tearing you apart, and therefore you have to choose.

What would happen were you to confess to your partner, ask his forgivenes­s and beg him to go to couple counsellin­g?

You could re-make your whole life. It’s a risk, but one surely worth taking, for the sake of the children.

Yes, you’re right. Time to show some self-respect and strength and end this affair.

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