Daily Mail

Wills and Kate’s security chief quits after criticisin­g force

- By Andrew Levy

THE police chief in charge of protecting the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at their Norfolk home has resigned after apparently criticisin­g her force online.

Sarah Hamlin, Assistant Chief Constable of Norfolk Police, went on Twitter to announce her resignatio­n after 30 years, complainin­g she was no longer able to ‘make a difference’ and her values didn’t match the force’s.

Budget cuts mean Norfolk has had to run some department­s jointly with Suffolk Police, and frontline services have come under threat.

In the first tweet to her 3,600 followers yesterday, Miss Hamlin said: ‘After 30 years @NorfolkPol­ice I’ve resigned to the fact that my values no longer fit the org. I can’t make a difference, support front-line.’

She later added: ‘And so I wish colleagues & friends all the best. Let’s hope #policing can recover & the officers & staff welfare is prioritise­d.’

In a final post she said she was looking forward to spending time with family and friends, and ‘playing golf and kayaking’.

Last night, speaking from her detached home in Norfolk, the 48-year-old said: ‘I have said my piece, I think. There isn’t a real interpreta­tion to give at the moment, but at some point I might want to speak out.

‘I have had a really amazing 30year career. It’ s just time to go. I can’t make any changes any more. I feel sad about that.’ Referring to the tweets, a force spokesman said: ‘It’s not for us to discuss. We are not going to comment further.’

But in a blog this year, the mother-of-two – who led the protection team for William, Kate and their children at Anmer Hall – urged young officers to be true to themselves, adding: ‘The value of my contributi­ons has been about continuing to stand by my personal values and beliefs.

‘ My tough “downhill ski” moments have been when I have been asked to work contrary to my personal beliefs. But when I’ve challenged views I feel less stressed. Even if others don’t agree, I can say I discharged my personal responsibi­lity by pointing out the alternativ­e view.’

Fellow officers were also warned that ‘people will use you’ and to ‘look after your mental health as much as your physical health’.

Miss Hamlin, who joined Norfolk Constabula­ry in 1986, was in charge of serious and organised crime, intelligen­ce, major investigat­ions, forensics and specialist operations, criminal justice and royal protection.

She was also Assistant Chief Constable of Suffolk Police as part of an inter-force agreement.

Norfolk Police began cuts five years ago to save £25million, and revealed last week that it was trying to save an extra £5million.

‘I can’t make a difference’

 ??  ?? ‘My values no longer fit’: Sarah Hamlin
‘My values no longer fit’: Sarah Hamlin

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