Daily Mail

Proof pensions ARE better than property

After a Bank of England boss said investing in bricks and mortar is more profitable than saving into a pension, here’s why he’s wrong . . .

- By Ruth Lythe

The debate has raged for generation­s: is property or a pension better for saving for your retirement? The argument has been blown wide open again after the Bank of england’s top economist Andy haldane this weekend claimed buying a home is a better investment than saving into a pension.

The views of this highly respected and internatio­nally renowned economist have been taken by some to be another blow to pensions. But others have called him irresponsi­ble.

So, Money Mail has looked at the myths about property and pensions, and analysed the numbers to see what really has been the better way of saving for a retirement in the past 25 years.


There is little doubt that the price rises on property have meant startling returns for some.

house prices have soared by almost 300 pc over the past quarter of a century. The average property in the UK is worth £205,933.

But this growth is not all it seems. According to analysis by researcher­s Finalytiq, property is not something to stake your retirement on.

This is because though house prices have risen dramatical­ly, savers have had to devote a huge amount of their wages towards paying off a loan.

In some cases, by the time borrowers have cleared their mortgages, they will have handed over three times the original cost of the property.

In our example, we have taken a worker in 1991 earning a salary of £18,000 who started saving at the age of 22.

At the time, a typical home cost £54,903, according to Nationwide Building Society — £151,030 less than its worth today.

But this doesn’t mean buying a house back then was easy.

To buy an average house, with a 20 pc deposit, you’d need to save £10,981. Of course, savings interest rates were higher back then, but salaries were lower.

Then, once you’d taken out a mortgage, you would be hit with eye-watering interest charges.

Mortgage rates are currently at an all-time low, but in the early Nineties, banks typically charged interest at 14 pc on home loans, according to Bank of england data.

This means at the start our buyer would have had to put a third of their salary towards their mortgage each year.

rates gradually fell over the following years, but still hovered around the 7 pc to 8 pc mark for much of the late Nineties and early Noughties.

But all this interest adds up — it’s not just the strain on the buyer’s salary, it’s money they won’t see again. The impact of these expensive rates mean that a borrower who took out a mortgage with a 25-year term in 1991 would have forked out £86,400 by the time the loan was paid off this year — £31,497 more than the property originally cost.

And there are other charges that also nibble into the actual return a homeowner gets.

home insurance and annual maintenanc­e costs would have added up to an estimated £30,000 over the 25 years.

There would also have been stamp duty of around £200 to pay on the property.

Once these costs — and others, such as the deposit — have been taken into account, by now the £55,000 property has cost the buyer more than £127,600

After house price inflation, this leaves a profit of around £78,300.


ONCE you’ve paid off your mortgage, there’s the question of how to get your hands on the money in your property.

After all, you need somewhere to live. You might plan to sell your home and move to a smaller, cheaper property.

But it’s not just your house that has risen in value — so has everyone else’s. So the new home you want to buy will also be more expensive and eat into your profit. If the saver in our example got £205,000 for their property and then bought a £150,000 house to live in, they would have just £55,000 left in cash to eke out through their old age.

They would also be stamp duty to pay on their new property costing around £500. So at the end of it, the 200 pc increase in property value on your home has left. you with just £54,500 in savings.

Another option would be to take out an expensive mortgage that allows over-55s to fund their retirement by using the equity they've built up their homes.

these deals, known as equity release plans, work a bit like a mortgage. Firms charge an interest rate for the money you borrow, and the amount you can take out of the value of your home is based on your age and how much equity you have.

the money, plus the interest, is repaid when you die or go into care.

An advantage is that, unlike downsizing, you can stay in your home.

these deals are also a lifeline to older home owners who would be turned down for traditiona­l mortgage by banks on account of their age.

But they are expensive. the debt typically doubles every decade. So, if you take £100,000 out of your property today, in ten years your estate will owe £200,000.

you don’t have to pay this, but it comes out of your estate when you die.


PENSIONS have been tarnished by years of scandals and greedy firms who have hit savers with huge charges costing up to 12 pc of savings pots.

however, if you have been lucky enough to have been able to save into a reputable scheme, you could do far better by continuing to squirrel money into it than you may think.

of course, the real retirement winners are savers with generous final salary deals. these pay a guaranteed income for life.

however, they are cripplingl­y expensive for employers to provide and so are becoming increasing­ly sparse.

Instead, most pensions offered today provide a return linked to the stock market. But even these more risky deals have done well.

our analysis of stock market performanc­e over the past 25 years shows that even putting aside a modest amount of your salary each month into a pension that invests globally would have built up a decent nest egg — particular­ly when you add in tax perks you get and the power of compound interest.

the key is just to start saving early and to have put your cash in a scheme that has only modest charges.

our analysis shows that someone who started saving in 1991 at the age of 22 and contribute­d 4 pc of their salary a year would have built up a £168,663 pension pot over 25 years.

In our example, we assume the worker’s salary rises over the 25 years from £18,000 in 1991 to £52,000 and that they increase their contributi­ons gradually to 12 pc.

the figures also look at global stock market performanc­e over the whole quarter century, which include years when investment­s rose by 27 pc and those when they fell by 6 pc. We also include charges of 0.5 pc a year.

one of the key reasons your pension grows so quickly is the government boost known as pension tax relief. Currently, pension savers receive a refund of income tax at their rate of 20 pc, 40 pc or 45 pc.

It means it costs a basic-rate taxpayer 80p to put £1 into their pension. that 20p refund goes straight into their pension pot.

the same pound costs a higher-rate taxpayer, earning over £43,000, 60p and a top-rate taxpayer, on a salary of more than £150,000, 55p.

this means it will cost the saver in our example only £65,419 over 25 years to build up a pension worth £168,663.

there are also fewer fees and charges when it comes to taking your money out of a pension than your home.

Under new rules introduced last year, you can spend your pension how you like. you can keep the money invested and draw down income as and when you need.

however, be careful not to draw down too much in one go or you’ll be hit with a hefty income tax bill.

For example, if you take the full £168,663, you could end up paying tax at 45 pc on a significan­t chunk of it.

this is because you would be classed as a higher earner with an annual salary of more than £150,000.

And while £168,663 is a decent pension pot, you shouldn’t go crazy.

Experts say that even if you keep your money invested, it’s only really safe to draw down a maximum of 4 pc of it a year to make sure you don’t run out. this would be just £6,746 a year in this example.


PINNING your hopes on property to fund your retirement is even riskier today. Soaring house prices mean borrowers must save a much bigger deposit to even get on the property ladder.

to put down 10 pc on the average £205,000 home, you’d need £20,500.

With interest rates at an all-time low, raising this cash is harder than ever.

the best savings accounts pay just 1 pc. this means if you put aside £200 a month, it would take more than eight years to scrape together your deposit.

First-time buyers can earn a little more by putting their cash into one of the Government’s help to Buy Isas.

you can put in £200 a month and the Government will pay a 25 pc bonus on your savings, capped at £3,000.

But a major flaw with the scheme revealed earlier this month means you will receive the bonus only when your sale completes.

you can’t use the money when you exchange — which is when solicitors typically ask you to pay 10 pc of the cost of the house to secure the sale.

there are also no guarantees that house prices will continue to rise as rapidly as they have in the past — if at all.

Many savers who already own homes have been snapping up rental properties to boost their retirement incomes.

But recent rule changes by the Government have meant this is fast becoming a far less profitable option.

those with second properties must pay extra stamp duty on the purchase at three percentage points above the standard rate.

It means stamp duty on a £150,000 property costs £5,000, compared to £500 under the old system.

Generous tax perks offered to buy-to-let landlords are also being scaled back.

the Government is limiting the amount of tax relief landlords can claim on their mortgage interest repayments.

By contrast, pension savers are paying less today than in the past.

the Government has forced insurers to limit charges on workplace pensions and is cutting back on hefty fees for moving your pension elsewhere.

Abraham okusanya, founder of research firm Finalytiq, says: ‘It is unrealisti­c for most people to rely on their property as a way of funding their retirement.

‘People can also get devoted to the home where they have lived all their lives — it can be incredibly difficult for them to move from a house to a little flat that may be far away from their friends, family and grandchild­ren.’

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