Daily Mail


Chaotic interventi­on in Libya left vacuum that let jihadis thrive

- By Jason Groves Deputy Political Editor

THE ‘ill- conceived’ military interventi­on in Libya by David Cameron helped fuel the growth of Islamic State and left the world a more dangerous place, MPs warn today.

In a devastatin­g verdict, the Commons foreign affairs committee savages the former prime minister’s judgment in rushing to war in 2011, saying the interventi­on was based on ‘erroneous assumption­s’.

The cross-party committee accuses Mr Cameron of ignoring military chiefs and a lack of reliable intelligen­ce to pursue an ‘opportunis­tic policy of regime change’ in Libya.

And it says he gave little thought to how Libya would fare following the removal of dictator Colonel Gaddafi, setting the scene for the country’s descent into chaos.

The committee says that Mr Cameron’s Libyan adventure ‘was not informed by accurate intelligen­ce’, with ministers underestim­ating the threat that the country could become an Islamist stronghold.

It concludes: ‘By the summer of 2011, the limited interventi­on to protect civilians had drifted into an opportunis­t policy of regime change. That policy was not underpinne­d by a strategy to support and shape postGaddaf­i Libya.

‘The result was political and economic collapse, inter-militia and intertriba­l warfare, humanitari­an and migrant crises, widespread human rights violations, the spread of Gaddafi regime weapons across the region and the growth of Islamic State in North Africa. Through his decision making in the National Security Council, former prime minister David Cameron was ultimately responsibl­e for the failure to develop a coherent Libya strategy.’

Today’s report says Mr Cameron’s failings in Libya means Britain now has a ‘particular responsibi­lity’ to assist the war-ravaged country and help deal with the flood of migrants heading from its shores to Europe.

But it says ministers should not deploy troops to the country until it becomes more stable, warning they would become ‘an accessible Western target’ for IS and other militants. The committee’s Tory chairman Crispin Blunt last night: ‘The UK’s actions in Libya were part of an ill- conceived interventi­on, the results of which are still playing out today.’

An internatio­nal coalition led by Britain and France launched strikes against Gaddafi’s forces in March 2011 after the regime threatened to attack the rebel-held city of Benghazi.

Mr Cameron claimed the interventi­on was necessary to prevent a massacre of civilians, but the new report says that, despite appalling human rights abuses over 40 years, Gaddafi had no record of large-scale attacks on Libyan civilians.

It says that the Government ‘ selectivel­y took elements of Gaddafi’s rhetoric at face value’ without assessing the real threat.

MPs find that ministers and officials should have realised that the rebels included a ‘ significan­t Islamist element’. They add: ‘ The possibilit­y that militant extremist groups would attempt to benefit from the rebellion should not have been the preserve of hindsight.’

Today’s report also criticises Mr Cameron for ordering military action despite the reservatio­ns of the then Chief of the Defence Staff Lord Richards and MPs are scathing about the lack of postwar planning for the country.

The report cites unpublishe­d research by the House of Commons Library showing Britain spent £320million bombing Libya, but just £25million on reconstruc­tion.

Mr Cameron did not give evidence to the inquiry, saying he was too busy. A Foreign Office spokesman said the decision to intervene in Libya was an internatio­nal one, called for by the Arab League and authorised by the UN.

 ??  ?? Criticised: Former prime minister David Cameron yesterday
Criticised: Former prime minister David Cameron yesterday

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