Daily Mail

Teenager ‘plotted a suicide bombing at Buckingham Palace’

- By Chris Greenwood Crime Correspond­ent

A YOUNG Muslim man is accused of attempting to buy guns and a suicide vest for an Islamic State-inspired massacre at Buckingham Palace.

Haroon Ali-Syed, 19, was arrested by counter-terrorism officers amid fears he was on the brink of committing an atrocity.

The IT student is also suspected of trying to contact a bombmaker to build a nail bomb.

He is charged with planning to carry out an attack at a central London landmark, potentiall­y Buckingham Palace or Oxford Street.

It is understood evidence against Ali-Syed was gathered in a joint operation between MI5 and Scotland Yard.

An undercover officer, posing as an extremist, infiltrate­d his circle and allegedly recorded exchanges of him preparing a terrorist attack.

Ali-Syed is accused of attempting to get hold of an improvised pressure cooker bomb built to instructio­ns published online by Al Qaeda.

Yesterday, he appeared at Westminste­r Magistrate­s’ Court charged with preparing an act of terrorism between April 12 and September 9.

Flanked by two police officers, he spoke only to confirm his name, age and address in a London accent.

Prosecutor Thomas Halpin said Ali-Syed tried to contact someone online ‘to make an incendiary explosive device,’ asking an intermedia­ry: ‘How many people this one bomb can kill or injure?’

He added: ‘ His internet searches show he is searching busy places in London. Oxford Street, upcoming events in London. He is looking at internet searches. Where are sol- diers in the UK, London’s top ten most crowded boroughs, Buckingham Palace, Royal Marines Reserve, City of London.’

District Judge Elizabeth Roscoe remanded Ali-Syed in custody and ordered him to appear at the Old Bailey next Monday.

Ali-Syed is one of three men arrested during dawn raids and searches by unarmed officers in London and the Home Counties last Thursday. No weapons or bomb-making materials were recovered in the operation. A second man, aged 20, was also held in west London on suspicion of preparing a terrorist act and failing to disclose informatio­n regarding an act of terrorism. A third man, aged 19, who is originally from Mosul, Iraq, was arrested on suspicion of a religiousl­y aggravated offence.

Both men were released on bail. Just three months ago, Met Police Commission­er Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe warned it is a case of ‘when, not if’, the UK will be hit by Islamic State-inspired terrorists.

The force is arresting a terrorist suspect every day and recently unveiled elite teams of motorcycle gun cops whose job is to foil a marauding attack.

Born in Ealing, west London, Ali-Syed is one of three brothers. His family has links to Slough, High Wycombe, Southall and Hounslow.

The family is originally from Pakistan, where his father still has interests in ‘ land and property’.

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