Daily Mail




EDUCATION: Nine GCSEs and A-levels in maths, media and drama at Nunthorpe Academy secondary school.

JOB: Works part-time as a customer assistant in a pharmacy.

FAMILY: Lives with mum Sue, 54, a retired civil servant, and dad Steve, 58, who trains oil rig workers. Has two sisters, aged 21 and 32.

HOME: Five-bedroom £280,000 detached house in Nunthorpe on the outskirts of Middlesbro­ugh.

PLANS: Has a place to study journalism at the University of Sheffield. ‘I do want to get married and have kids one day, but I want to put my career first for now,’ she says. ‘I wouldn’t want to raise kids here — there’s just a lot more opportunit­y for me elsewhere.’

SAFETY: ‘I don’t feel safe in the town centre when it gets dark.’

SEXUAL HARASSMENT: ‘You do get cat-called a lot here. It’s usually pervy men in cars who roll their windows down and shout things at you. It can be scary. Recently I was out in a short dress and someone rolled his window down behind me and shouted: “You’re gorgeous!” I shouted back: “You haven’t even seen my face!”’

TIME ONLINE: ‘I use Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat quite often — at least a couple of hours every day — but I feel safe online because I have all the right privacy settings on my profiles.’

AT SCHOOL: ‘The thing I struggled with most was passing exams. At school they pushed the local industries — such as engineerin­g — on you. But they’re more for boys, so it was hard.’

LOOKS: ‘I feel quite confident about my body and I don’t tend to feel pressure. I love looking at models in magazines.’

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