Daily Mail




EDUCATION: Rodborough, a local state school, where she passed 11 GCSEs. Then Godalming College, where she earned C-grades in business, sociology and English literature and language at A-level.

JOB: Earns £7.50 an hour in her part-time job in a clothes shop.

FAMILY: Lives with her parents, Anthony, 50, a carpenter, and Jackie, 52, a special needs assistant.

HOME: Three-bedroom detached house in Godalming, worth around £400,000.

PLANS: Wants to own her own home (ideally in Godalming), get married and have two children. She’d also like to work as a police officer. ‘I don’t feel disadvanta­ged by being a woman, even though it’s a male-dominated profession,’ says Lily.

SAFETY: ‘I’ve always felt safe here. It’s a lovely, pretty town.’

SEXUAL HARASSMENT: ‘I would be shocked if it happened to me. I would happily walk down the street at night and would feel safe.’

TIME ONLINE: ‘I check my smartphone every half an hour, every day, even when I’m at work. The people I have on my social media are local to me. I know them and I feel safe talking to them.’

AT SCHOOL: ‘I struggled to keep up with teachers’ expectatio­ns. The amount of work and studying at college was tough.’

LOOKS: ‘When I look at myself in the mirror I’m perfectly happy with how I am and how I look.’

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