Daily Mail

‘Bullied’ boy 11, found hanged just weeks after starting new school

- By Chris Brooke

AN 11- year- old boy who was found hanged shortly after coming home from his new school may have been a victim of bullying.

Asad Khan had locked himself in his bedroom and was found after his mother forced her way inside, a family friend revealed.

The youngster was in an ‘unresponsi­ve state’ when paramedics arrived. He was taken to hospital but died a short time later.

Asad, who was the eldest of four children, started a new school three weeks ago but his parents were said to have been unaware he was suffering problems with bullies.

However, an aunt said yesterday that he had been seen in tears at school and she believed bullying

‘Seen with tears in his eyes’

was probably behind the tragedy. The youngster apparently took his own life at around 4pm on Wednesday, immediatel­y after returning home from Beckfoot Upper Heaton School in Bradford.

His mother Farina Jan, 37, and father Asif Mehmood, 42, a market stallholde­r, met local MP Naz Shah that evening.

Baffled by their seemingly happy boy’s actions, they are understood to have voiced concern that bullying could have been a factor because of the timing, straight after school.

The Bradford West Labour MP made details of the death public on her Facebook page before police or local media broke the news.

She wrote: ‘This evening, 11-yearold Asad took his own life. Asad had just started his new school recently and bullying is something that has been mentioned.’

The boy’s aunt Rehana Bibi, 34, said: ‘It’s devastatin­g. No words can say how shocking this news is. He was a happy, jolly boy. He was not saying what was up to his parents. Nothing seemed wrong.’

Mrs Bibi said Asad did not speak openly about being bullied but a boy in the family circle said he had seen him in school ‘standing in the corner with tears in his eyes’.

‘The boy said he wiped Asad’s tears and asked what was wrong, and Asad replied, “Them boys,”’ Mrs Bibi said. ‘I strongly believe this is bullying from school.’

A man who said he was Asad’s cousin but did not wish to be named said he thought the boy was bullied. He added: ‘ He was always full of energy, he loved his science. He was just like any other 11-year-old – full of life and was ready for school.’

Outside the family home close friend Shabnam Rani, who went to hospital to comfort Asad’s parents, said: ‘ The family are devastated. They told me they are not 100 per cent sure if it is because of bullying. They were all in complete shock when I saw them.’

Describing what happened, she said: ‘ Asad had just come home from school and he said hello to his mum before going upstairs to get changed. The door was locked and the mother had to force her way in. He was found hanging.’

Beckfoot Upper Heaton School said in a statement: ‘The school is united in its grief. All our thoughts are with Asad’s family.’ It added that it was aware of speculatio­n about the circumstan­ces surroundin­g the death of Asad, who had been doing well in lessons.

West Yorkshire Police said inquiries were continuing but the death is not believed to be suspicious. ÷ For confidenti­al support, call the Samaritans on 116123 or visit a local Samaritans branch. See www. samaritans.org for details.

 ??  ?? Asad Khan: Found by his mother
Asad Khan: Found by his mother

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